
    摘要课件(courseware)是根据教学目标设计的、体现教学策略和教学内容的,以学习理论为指导制作出来的计算机软件,本质上来说算是软件的一种。它拥有模拟型、游戏型、练习型、指导型、问题求解型等几种基本模式。尽管模式类型多,但是总体来说,它们都是教学策略和教学内容的结合体。主流的课件是由 office PowerPoint 制作的幻灯片,还有Authorware以及Flash等等,它们在动画处理方面的处理十分强大。但是对于制作者来说,技术要求比较高。46683

    本文介绍了课件的相关知识,指出了传统课件的缺点和不足之处。由于图像处理软件MATLAB的兴起,提出了新的课件设计方法——MATLAB GUI,目的在于突出GUI在课件设计上的新颖之处,本文通过图像处理的图像拼接算法来介绍了MATLAB GUI的课件设计。

    毕业论文关键词: MATLAB; GUI ;图像拼接算法; 课件设计


    Courseware is designed according to the teaching goal, teaching strategy and teaching content, the learning theory as a guide produced by computer software, in essence is a kind of software. It has several basic models for simulation, game type, practice, guidance, problem solving etc. Although the pattern of many types, but in general, they are combined with the teaching strategies and teaching content. The mainstream of the courseware is produced by office PowerPoint and Authorware as well as Flash slides, and so on, they are in very powerful in the animation processing. But for the maker, high technical is required.

    This paper introduces the relevant knowledge of the courseware, points out the shortcomings and deficiencies of the traditional courseware. Due to the rise of the image processing software MATLAB, the courseware design -- MATLAB new GUI methods, aims to highlight the novelty of GUI courseware design, this article through the image mosaic algorithm of image processing is introduced to design courseware with MATLAB GUI.

    Key Words: MATLAB; GUI; Image mosaic algorithm; Courseware design


    1. 绪论 1

    1.1引言 1

    2. 课件相关知识介绍 1

    2.1课件的概念 1

    2.1.1 课件的基本定义 1

    2.1.2课件作用 1

    2.1.3电子课件优势 1

    2.2 课件常见开发模式 1

    2.3 课件制作方式 2

    2.3.1广泛方式 2

    2.3.2其他方式 2

    2.4 设计原则 2

    2.5评价标准 2

    2.6 课件作用 2

    2.7 课件的优势与不足 3

    2.8本章总结 3

    3. 图像处理与MATLAB 3

    3.1 图像处理 3

    3.1.1图像处理的发展 3

    3.1.2 图像处理的主要理论和方法 3

    3.1.3图像处理常用软件 4

    3.1.4图像拼接算法 4

    3.2 MATLAB 4

    3.2.1 MATLAB简介 5

    3.2.2 MATLAB的优势和特点。

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