    摘 要:随着网络技术的迅速发展,新类型的入侵行为层出不穷,人们迫切需要能检测出新型入侵行为的技术。将数据挖掘与入侵检测相结合,能够增强入侵检测系统对大量数据的处理能力,使得入侵检测系统具有可扩展性和自学能力,增强入侵检测系统的检测功能。从数据的观点看,入侵检测本身是一个数据分析过程,在数量上远少于正常行为的入侵行为可看做孤立点。于是将数据挖掘中的孤立点挖掘技术作为一种网络安全检测手段,用来识别变种或未知入侵行为,对于改善入侵检测系统的性能有着重大意义。论文着重通过对CLARANS、LOCI孤立点算法进行介绍,并提出改进算法,从而有效减少计算量,快速挖掘数据更新的新孤立点,具有较高的实用价值。
    关键词:入侵检测;数据挖掘;孤立点;CLARANS算法; LOCI算法
    The Application of Outlier Mining Technology in
    Intrusion Detection
    Abstract:With the fast development of the Internet, people urgently on technology with the ability of discovering new types of intrusion coming out endlessly. The combination of data mining and intrusion detection can make the intrusion detection system deal with a vast amount of data and have the ability of extension and self-study as well as enhance the detecting ability. According to the point of data, intrusion detection is a process of data analysis. The invasion which is obviously less than normal action in amount can be seen as the outlier .Therefore, outlier mining is a fundamental and important field in data mining, and it can be used to identify varieties or unknown invasions as one of tools for intrusion detection, which is of great value in promoting intrusion detection system. Focuses on introducing the CLARANS、LOCI algorithm of outlier mining, and to bring up the improved algorithm, which can reduce the computation effectively and mining the new outliers quickly when the dates updated. This thesis has high values.
    Key Words: Intrusion Detection; Data Mining; Outlier; CLARANS; Algorithm; LOCI Algorithm
     目   录
    1.绪论    2
    1.1研究背景    2
    1.2研究意义    2
    2.入侵检测与孤立点数据挖掘技术    3
    2.1 入侵检测系统    3
    2.2 数据挖掘    4
    2.3 孤立点挖掘技术    4
    3.CLARANS算法    4
    3.1 CLARANS算法基本过程    5
    3.2 改进思想    6
    3.3 改进前后对比    6
    4.LOCI孤立点算法    6
    4.1LOCI算法    7
    4.2 改进思想    8
    4.3 改进前后对比    10
    5.孤立点数据挖掘在入侵检测中的应用    10
    5.1 系统总体结构    10
    5.2 系统关键技术    11
    6.结论    12
    6.1 论文总结    12
    6.2进一步方向    13
    参考文献    13
    致  谢    14,4051
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