



    毕业论文关键词:医院住院管理系统  浏览器/服务器  Java  Mysql

    The Design and Implementation of Hospitalization Management System in Small and Medium Sized Hospitals


    This paper systematically discusses the design and implementation process of hospital management system. Firstly, the paper briefs on the research status of the system; secondly it provides a detailed information of the requirements analysis of the system, the outline design, the detailed design, the database design as well as the implementation of the system. Last but not least, operation of the system is tested and the work of this paper is concluded.

    This system is based on browser /server(B/S) structure, using Java programming framework and MySQL database server to achieve hospital diagnose and treatment management module, the user information management module, ward management module, and medicine management module, enabling each member to achieve the corresponding functions. This system has a simple and friendly interface and easy-to-operate functions, thus largely improve the work quality of hospital staff and the economic efficiency of hospitals.

    Key Words: hospitalization management system  browser/server(B/S)  java    MySQL                   

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 VI

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 系统开发的背景与意义 1

    1.2系统设计的目的 2

    1.3国内外研究现状及发展趋势 2

    1.4本文章节结构 3

    2 系统环境及开发工具的介绍 4

    2.1 系统结构简介 4

    2.2 系统开发技术和工具简介 4

    2.3系统运行环境 5

    2.4本章小结 5

    3 系统需求分析 6

    3.1可行性分析 6

    3.2系统分析 6

    3.3系统的业务描述 7

    3.4系统的数据流图 8

    3.5系统的数据字典 9

    3.6本章小结 10

    4 系统总体设计 11

    4.1 系统结构设计 11

    4.2数据库设计 13

    4.3本章小结 18

    5 系统详细设计和实现 19


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