


    本社区信息管理系统将采用Visual Studio 2010作为系统开发平台,SQL Server 2008 R2作为系统数据管理,ASP.NET作为服务器脚本文件。本系统包括两个模块:社区业主模块、社区管理人员模块。业主模块为业主提供注册登录、信息查询、报修服务、投诉建议等功能;社区管理人员模块为管理员工及业主的信息并设置权限、信息维护、投诉维修信息管理等功能。


     Abstract With the continuous development of market economy and people's living standards improve, people management requirements of the community to become Yu Yu high. But at present, there is still a considerable portion of the community is still at the stage of manual management, so that management mechanisms have not suited the times now. Community in practical work, you need to register, information entry workload is very large, and can not find timely and accurate information to the community needs. This management approach will waste a lot of manpower and material resources. To this end, the development of community information management system, to achieve the electronic management of the community, not only allows communities from the existing heavy manual entry, query work freed, well improve work efficiency, and allows owners to better personal understanding of community information.

    Through the investigation to understand the current needs of some well-known community management system and page layout, clear development community online community information management systems, modules required for design and under each module requires functional requirements. The community online community information management system will use Visual Studio 2010 as the development platform, SQL Server 2008 R2 as a data management system, ASP.NET server as a script file. The system consists of two modules: Module community owners, community management module. Owner module to provide owners Register Log, information, repair services, complaints and suggestions, and other functions; community management module to manage employees and owners of information and set permissions, information maintenance, repair complaints information management.

     Key Words:  Community management; online payment; Online repair

    目  录 

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    第一章 绪 论 1

    1.1研究的背景 1

        1.2 研究“社区信息管理系统”问题的提出 2

    1.3研究的目的和意义 3

    1.4研究的对象 4

       1.4.1 国外社区物业管理研究现状

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