
    摘要: 本文详细的描述了基于B/S模式和SSH技术运用下的图书销售进销存管理系统的设计与实现。图书销售进销存管理系统是通过网站推广互联企业的图书和技术服务,并使消费者能够随时随地了解图书商品的最新动态,为用户提供24小时在线服务和订单处理功能,更重要的是也可以使管理员更加轻松方便的管理图书进销存的相关信息并根据系统自动统计分析的具体情况进行更加便捷高效的动态管理。58065



    关键词: 图书;在线销售;进销存;订单处理;SSH技术


    The Design and Implementation of Book

     Purchasing, Selling and Storing System

    Abstract: This article describes the SSH technology based on B/S mode of book sales enters sells saves the management system design and implementation. Book sales is through the web site to promote Internet enterprise enters sells saves the management system of books and technical services, and make consumers can understand the products at any time dynamic, to provide online services and order processing function, more important can also enables the administrator to manage the books more convenient enters sells saves the information according to statistical analysis of the system automatically is more efficient and dynamic management.

    From the perspective of a long-term strategic objective, book sales enters sells saves the website is not only a book and service of promotion, but through the Internet, Intranet and extranet, buyers and sellers, manufacturers and cooperation partner closely together, thus reducing the time and space to bring inconvenience.

    Book sales enters sells saves the management system provides multiple query methods, from the classification, search, in the form of new products, special offers and fast and accurate. Compared with traditional marketing and the management pattern, online sales and management can provide mass product information. Books online sales and product management is the most important point: consumers buy time don't to the time limit, expand and stable customer base, thereby enhancing the product enterprise's core competitiveness, reduces the necessary money when open entity shop and rent the measurements.

    Keywords: products, online sale, order processing, technology of SSH


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.1.1 图书销售进销存管理系统简介 1

    1.1.2 本文的研究内容 1

    1.2 技术背景 2


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