
    摘要:随着网络技术的快速发展,人与人之间交流方式逐渐增多。为了方便人们在某一专业领域探讨问题和发表意见,论坛的出现满足了这一需求。在论坛上,人们可以对某一领域提出自己遇到的问题,分享自己的经历。有些时候用户急需帮助的时候,可以使用即时聊天系统来解决。 58326


    毕业论文关键字:MVC,VS2010,论坛,聊天,移动端兼容,Ext JS,Bootstrap

    ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of network technology, the communication between people and people gradually increased.. In order to facilitate people in a professional field to explore the issue and opinion, the emergence of the forum to meet this demand. In the forum, people can put forward their own problems in a certain field, to share their own experiences. Sometimes users need to help, you can use instant chat system to solve.

    The purpose of developing the BBS forum system is to provide a platform for the exchange of users, and to provide users with experience and discuss issues..Therefore, the basic function of the BBS forum system is to publish a post, and then other users according to the subject of the post to express their views and replies. The system must have the registration login function, to prevent the malicious posting, and malicious reply post, registered users can manage their posts, as well as the management of their own information. Unregistered users can only browse posts and replies. The system will use MVC as the structure,VS 2010 as the development tool,using ExtJs,Bootstrap to let this system be mobile terminal compatible.

    Key words: MVC,VS2010,BBS,Talk,Mobile,Ext JS,Bootstrap

    目    录

    引言 4

    1  系统分析 4

    1.1  需求分析 4

    1.2  可行性分析 4

    1.3  用例分析 5

    2  系统功能分析与数据库设计 5

    2.1  系统功能结构图 5

    2.3  数据库设计 6

    2.2  数据库ER图 7

    2.4  数据库表说明 7

    2.4  数据库关系图 12

    3  功能介绍及运行效果 13

    3.1  系统前台介绍 13

    3.2  系统后台介绍 25

    4  关键技术和代码分析 28

    4.1  MVC的介绍 28

    4.2  泛型编程介绍 28

    4.3  Entity Framework介绍 30

    软件测试 31

    5.1  软件测试的作用 31

    5.2  单元测试 31

    5.3  组装测试

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