
    摘 要:随着信息时代的发展,计算机在各种领域都得到了广泛的运用,医院的信息量庞大繁杂,不可能仅仅只依靠人工操作来记录分析信息,这时候,就需要计算机来帮助人工实现有效快捷的信息管理。本文主要围绕医疗门诊预约管理这一方面的基本思路和设计方法来阐述,帮着人们减少看病时间,方便医院信息管理。本系统基于ASP.NET平台开发医院网络预约管理系统,从用户和管理员的角度分别对本系统的功能模块实现,系统前端主要阐述用户登录注册和预约医生模块,实现信息化操作;系统后台主要实现对前端涉及的信息的管理,保持前端和后台的一致性和完整性。58327

    毕业论文关键词:预约挂号,VS2010,ASP.NET,SQL Server2008

    Abstract : With the development of the information age, computer in various fields have been widely used, the information capacity of the hospital complex, could not only rely on manual operation to record information analysis. At this time, we need a computer to help manual to achieve effective and efficient information management. This paper mainly focuses on the basic ideas and design methods of the medical clinic appointment management, and helps people to reduce the time of medical treatment, and to facilitate the management of hospital information.. The system booking management system based on ASP. Net platform for the development of the hospital network, from the point of view of users and administrators respectively, the function modules of the system implementation, front-end system focuses on user login registration and doctor's appointments module, realize informationization operation; system backstage mainly realizes involved in front of information management, keep the consistency and integrity of the front-end and back-end.

    Keywords: Make an appointment, VS2010,ASP.NET,SQL Server2008

    1  引言 4

    1.1  选题背景 4

    1.2  研究目标 4

    1.3  国内外主要研究现状 4

    1.4  本章小结 4

    2  系统开发环境 4

    2.1  ASP.NET概述 4

    2.2  ASP.NET 技术优势 5

    2.3  B/S架构 5

    2.4  本章小结 5

    3  需求分析 5

    3.1  可行性分析 5

    3.2  系统目标 6

    3.3  系统功能目标 6

    3.4  开发方法 7

    4  系统概要设计 7

    4.1  系统功能模块设计 7

    4.2  系统主要流程 8

    4.3  数据库设计 11

    5  系统详细设计 16

    5.1  后台管理模块 16

    5.2  网站前台模块 29

    6  系统测试 39

    6.1 测试原则 40

    6.2测试目标 40

    6.3本文使用的测试方法 40

    结  论 42

    参考文献 43

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