    The processing of program design about the image scaling and rotating  
    Abstract: Image geometric transformation is the basis of digital image processing, which can improve the image by scaling and rotating the distorted deformation to change the proportion between the image and the whole picture. The principle of scaling and rotating has been discussed in this thesis,which base on the space transformation and gray level interpolation algorithm, and the gray level interpolation algorithm includes the nearest neighbor interpolation and bilinear interpolation. Besides, the basic components of BMP images has also has been discussed. And relevant function classes in the C# language environment has been projected in order to operate BMP images conveniently. The process of geometric transformation, based on the origin of the coordinates of the image, equally expands and contracts the image in every direction. And the geometric transformation realizes the image zooming in the methods of the nearest neighbor and bilinear interpolation. bilinear interpolation is used in the rotation of the image, and it makes the rotation of the image to achieve a good effect.In the program project, it makes successfully process images and perfectly display the images details by using of the object-oriented C # language.
    Keywords:    bitmap; Rotate; Zoom; Gray interpolation;Object Oriented.
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    数字图像处理概述    1
    1.1    数字图像技术综述    1
    1.1.1    图像处理技术    1
    1.1.2    数字图像    2
    1.2    BMP图像结构    4
    1.2.1    BMP文件组成    4
    1.2.2    BMP的存储算法    6
    1.3    C#语言基础    6
    1.3.1    面向对象的C#语言    7
    1.3.2    C#的图像处理基础    8
    2    图像的缩放和旋转原理与算法    9
    2.1    数字图像原理与算法    9
    2.2    图像缩放    11
    2.2.1    缩放原理    11
    2.2.2    缩放算法    12
    2.3    图像旋转    13
    2.3.1    旋转原理    13
    2.3.2    旋转算法    13
    3    图像的缩放和旋转程序设计    15
    3.1    Bitmap类设计    15
    3.1.1    Bitmap类    15
    3.1.2    BitmapData类    16
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