


    毕业论文关键词:教材管理系统,access数据库,Visual Basic6.0

    Abstract:With the improvement of education and the expanding scale of education, it has been very hard to manage teaching materials in every school and unable to cope with the situation, so it is important to develop a corresponding material management system.For the sake of solving the prolems mentioned above, this study uses the ACCESS database and Visual Basic to develop a better material management system.

    Including system management,student management,teaching management,management fees and print statements and help system. In this system, if you enter the appropriate book information, the inventry of the books can be easily obtained. Moreover, through it, the users can put the new books into storage immediately. All of these will greatly improve the efficiency of check and help the administrators relief from the heavy work..

    Key words: teaching material management system,access,visual basic6.0

    目 录

    1 绪论 5

    1.1 系统开发背景 5

    1.2 系统开发的意义 5

    1.3 系统现状的分析 5

    1.4 目标分析 6

    2 需求分析 6

    2.1 技术上可行性分析 6

    2.1.1 Visual Basic 6.0 6

    2.1.2 ACCESS2003 7

    2.2 经济上的可行性 7

    3 系统概要设计 8

    3.1 总体结构设计 8

    3.1.1 系统管理 8

    3.1.2 学生管理 9

    3.1.3 教材管理 9

    3.1.4 学费管理与报表打印 9

    3.1.5 系统帮助 9

    3.2 系统流程分析 10

    4 数据库设计 12

    4.1 数据库的概念 12

    4.2 ER图 12

    4.3 表设计 13

    5 教材管理系统系统详细设计 18

    5.1 公共模块 18

    5.2 用户登录模块 18

    5.3 主窗体模块 19

    5.4 系统管理模块 20

    5.4.1用户管理 21

    5.4.2系统初始化 22

    5.5 学生管理模块 23

    5.6 教材管理模块 25

    5.6.1教材征订 25

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