
    摘要: 信用卡消费是极为普遍的消费手段之一,在整个金融体系中扮演了主要的角色,也是各大商业银行业务的核心之一,为了能方便客户在商店刷卡消费而设计了POS机,而收单业务管理系统就是为了方便收单而设计的。电子信息化的管理增加了现金流动的安全性,并且过程中不易出错,能减少很多过去常常出现纠纷,同时也大大提高了银行的工作效率。此系统除了系统管理员能管理业务员账户以外,主要提供给银行收单业务员使用,业务员可以管理商户的各项信息,包括商户信息、商户的费率以及商户的POS机信息,并且具有根据商户的POS机上的交易流水计算结果之后结账的功能,可以一键完成收单。70175






    关键词: 银行;收单系统;Java; MySQL;SSM

    Design and Implementation of Core Banking System - Credit Card Acquiring Management

    Abstract: Credit card consumption is one of the most popular ways of consumption, which plays a major role in the entire financial system , and one of core business of the major commercial banking business, in order to facilitate customers using credit card to consume in the store and designed the POS machine, and the Credit Card Acquiring Management is designed to facilitate the acquiring business. This electronic management increases the security of cash flow, and the process is not easy to mistake, which can reduce many of  disputes in the past, but also greatly improve the efficiency of the bank. In addition to the system administrator can manage the sales account, the main user of the management is bank clerk, the clerk can manage the information of the merchants, including merchants’ information, merchants’ rates and merchants’ POS machine information, and which can calculate the acquiring results according the transaction flow of these POS machines and then checkout , you can complete the acquiring process with a single click.

    The main issues include:

    1. Investigate the current situation of the acquiring from home and abroad, comprehend the basic functions and processes of the acquiring business;

    2. Analyze the various requests of the acquiring management from home and abroad, and then I can design plans for the management;

    3. Design and develop functional modules based on the needs of clerks of commercial banks ;

    4. Test the various modules and functions of the management system to ensure that the project are working properly.

    Keywords: Web; Acquiring system; Java; MySQL; SSM


    摘要 i

    Abstract ii

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究现状 1

    1.1.1 国外研究现状 1

    1.1.2 国内研究现状 2

    1.2 研究目标与研究内容 3

    1.2.1 研究目标 3

    1.2.2 关键技术和难点 3

    2 系统分析 4

    2.1 技术分析

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