    摘要:如今,中央空调的使用率越来越高。然而长时间不清洁的送风管道可能带来健康隐患,使人感到胸闷、乏力,长时间会严重影响健康。微细灰尘会进入风道黏附在风道内壁上,日积月累便形成大量积尘,诱发细菌滋生, 传染疾病。这类管道内部结构往往错综复杂,人工清洗困难大,成本高,效率低。管道清洁机器人是可以替代人工成功解决空调通风管道清洁的有效途径。管道自动清扫机器人在通风管道中自动行走,同时完成对通风管道管壁的清扫。管道自动清扫机器人大大减少了清洁通风管道的人力物力,提高了清洁效率。对城市人的身体健康有很大帮助。本文中的管道自动清扫机器人通过带有毛刷的清扫手臂清洁管道内壁,清扫手臂可以完成俯仰、左右摇摆和毛刷翻转90度的动作。通过这些动作,可以全方位地清洁机器人四周的管道内壁。管道自动清扫机器人由两台步进电机分别控制两个前轮,辅以激光测距传感器,控制机器人的行走及转向。23579
    Automatic Pipeline Cleaning Robot Design
    Abstract: Now, the central air conditioning usage is higher and higher. However, air supply pipe unclean may lead to health problems, make the person feels bosom frowsty, lack of power, long time will seriously affect the health. Dust will enter duct, stick on the inner wall of the air duct, accumulate over a long period and formed a large amount of dust, induce bacterial growth, infectious diseases. This type of pipeline internal structure is complex, artificial cleaning is difficult, high cost and low efficiency. Pipeline cleaning robot can replace artificial and is an effective way to solve the air conditioning and ventilation pipe cleaning. Pipeline automatic cleaning robot automatic walking in the ventilation pipe, complete the cleaning of ventilation pipe wall at the same time. The pipeline automatic cleaning robot greatly reduces resources of cleaning ventilation pipe, enhancing the efficiency of cleaning. It is helpful to urban people's health. Pipeline automatic cleaning robot in this paper through a brush cleaning arm clean pipe wall, cleaning arm can pitch, swing and rotating brush of 90 degrees. Through these actions, robot can fully clean around the inner wall of pipeline. Pipeline automatic cleaning robot use two stepper motors to control two front wheel, supplemented by laser range sensors, robot’s walking and turning can be controlled.
    Key words: Pipeline cleaning; Pipeline robot; Automatic walking
    1绪论    1
    2 课题简介    3
    2.1 课题来源    3
    2.2 原始条件及数据    3
    2.3 设计的技术要求    3
    3 方案拟定    4
    3.1 整体系统组成    4
    3.2 行进系统    5
    3.2.1 行进结构    5
    3.2.2 行进电机的选择    5
    3.2.3 电机安装方式    7
    3.3 动力选择    8
    3.4 清扫手臂设计    9
    3.4.1 毛刷    9
    3.4.2 毛刷翻转结构    9
    3.4.3 毛刷俯仰结构    10
    3.4.4 电机及蜗轮蜗杆箱体安装方式    11
    3.5 旋转台设计    12
    3.5.1 旋转台结构    12
    3.5.2 旋转箱体安装方式    13
    3.5.3 电机的安装方式    14
    3.6 控制系统    15
    3.6.1 控制系统选择    15
    3.6.2控制系统安装位置    16
    3.7 传感器选择    17
    3.7.1 距离传感器的选择    17
    3.7.2 距离传感器的安装    19
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