    摘要: 当今世界,机床工业对任何国家来说都是其基石的一个重要组成部分。随着经济的快速发展,传统的制造业已经难以满足人们的生产生活需求,因此,具有自动化线的制造业逐渐出现在人们的生产生活中。自动化生产线代替了人手的繁重劳动,减轻了劳动强度,提高了生产效率。自动化生产方式在现代制造业中的使用是非常高效的,而本文就此设计了一种自动上下料机构上料及料台结构设计。23578
    CNC lathe autotransmitting mechanism of feeding and discharging platformstructure design
    Abstract:With the needs of the development of industrial automation , robots are more and more important in industrial applications .Industrial robots can replace manpower heavy labor , significantly reduced labor intensity of workers, improve labor productivity and the level of automation .It solves the handling of heavy artifacts often appears in industrial production and frequent, monotonous operation for a long time, but also improves the production speed of workpiece, so the use of the manipulator is very efficient, and to a feeding manipulator is designed in this paper.
       This paper first introduces the concept of industrial robots, composition and classification of the manipulator, the degrees of freedom of the manipulator and the coordinates form, drive mode, etc.Then according to the technology of the manipulator overall design parameters on the manipulator was carried out, determine the coordinates of the manipulator type and degree of freedom and drive solutions.After that the holding type hand structure of the manipulator is designed, the structure of manipulator wrist wrist rotation structure, lifting structure and the structure of rotary manipulator waist, and the driving hydraulic cylinder of each part to do the calculation to determine the hydraulic cylinder inner diameter, outer diameter, and the diameter of the piston rod. Finally made related to the hydraulic system is introduced and the hydraulic system to do the simple design of the manipulator.
    Keywords: mechanical hand,;degree of freedom;the structure design;hydraulic
    1 绪论    6
    2文献综述    8
    2.1国内外数控车床的发展    8
    2.1.1国内数控车床的发展    8
    2.1.2国外数控机床的发展    8
    3课题的目的和意义    10
    4上料机械手方案设计    11
    4.1设计要求    11
    4.2上料机械手整体结构方案    11
    4.3运动简图与动作过程    11
    4.4驱动方式的确定    13
    4.5手部设计    15
    4.5.1手部结构的选择    15
    4.5.2手部力学分析    15
    4.5.3定位误差的分析    16
    4.6手部夹紧缸的设计计算    17
    4.6.1 夹紧缸主要尺寸的计算    17
    4.6.2缸体结构及验算    18
    4.6.3油缸盖螺钉的计算    19
    4.7.1 手臂设计要求    21
    4.7.2手臂结构要求    21
    4.7.3手臂伸缩运动结构设计    21
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