    This machine is suitable for the suppression of plastic materials, processes, such as stamping, bending, flange, sheet steel and other technology can also be used to correct, press-fit, wheel forming, cold extrusion forming of metal parts, plastic products and powder products forming process .Button on the machine for centralized control, can be manually adjusted to achieve the two practices and semi-automatic cycle
    Working pressure of the machine, fast, and slow down the trip down the scope of work to be done according to regulation. It can achieve with the top out and without the top two kinds of process methods, the way each technology have given constant pressure forming and shaping of two-way process moves to choose from. After the suppression of the master cylinder has a packing, delay, and return other functions, and top out top out when there are delays, return and other activities. Paul rolled the top of the time and the time delay relay can be adjusted by the time set. This machine has an independent power system, easy adjustment and maintenance. Plate valve hydraulics system integration, compact and reliable action.
    Keywords: forging machine, centralized control, Design of machinary, Hydraulic System, Programmable Logic Controller
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 液压传动与控制概述    1
    1.2 锻压机的发展概况    1
    1.3 锻压机的工作原理     3
    1.4 锻压机中液压传动的优缺点    3
    2 锻压机总体结构    5
    2.1课题的主要技术要求    5
    2.2 锻压机的箱体结构    5
    2.3 液压系统的组成    6
       2.3.1液压系统的组成    6
    2.4 确定液压缸的种类    8
    2.5 液压阀的选择     9
       2.5.1 液压阀的作用    9
       2.5.2液压阀的基本要求    9
       2.5.3液压阀的初步确定    9
       2.5.4液压阀的选择    10
    2.6 液压源的选择    10
       2.6.1  液压泵的选择    11
       2.6.2 液压泵上装置的选择    12
       2.6.3 液压泵的安装方式    12
       2.6.4 液压泵与电机之间联轴器的选择    13
       2.6.5 液压介质的选择    13
    2.7 电动机的选择    14
    2.8 液压管件的选择    15
       2.8.1油管内径确定    15
       2.8.2 管接头    15
    2.9 滤油器的选择    15
       2.9.1 滤油器的作用及过滤精度    15
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