    关键词  引信 二文弹道修正 精确打击弹药 修正机构
    Title       Design for a new kind of trajectory correction fuze
    With the continuously improvement of the precision attacking ammunition’ utilization rate in modern warfare, trajectory correction projectile gradually becomes a national concerned focus. Maintaining the original structure parameters of the ammunition unchanged, Trajectory Correction Technology refers to several limited trajectory correction in their flight through the installation of trajectory correction module on the ammunition, so that it falls to a small area as the center of the goal. And its damage efficiency can be enhanced through the ammunition detonated by the preinstalled-information. By comparison with several kinds of domestic and international trajectory correction fuze, a new two-dimensional trajectory correction fuze is proposed and its control vanes can
    be assembled in the Fuze case at the initial stage of ballistic but unlock by the
    electric pin removal when the time correction is needed.Then the overall scheme and structure of the correction vanes were designed, and qualitative analysis and calculations were made to search its correction ability.
    Key words:  fuze; two-dimensional trajectory correction; precision attacking ammunition; correction mechanism
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2 弹道修正弹及其引信技术    2
    1.2.1 弹道修正弹的定义    2
    1.3 国内外弹道修正引信技术发展现状    5
    1.3.1 国外发展情况    6
    1.4 本文研究内容    9
    2  总体方案设计    11
    2.1 二文弹道修正引信总体设计思路    11
    2.2 二文弹道修正引信设计指标及相关参数    12
    2.3 二文弹道修正引信总体结构及各部分作用    13
    2.3.1 引信总体结构设计    13
    3 零件结构设计及相关计算校核    16
    3.1 零件结构设计过程    16
    3.1.1 引信体设计    16
    3.1.2 左、右操纵舵片设计    16
    3.1.3 上下扭转舵片设计    17
    3.1.4 步进电机设计    18
    3.1.5 电拔销器设计    19
    3.1.6 圆柱轴设计    20
    3.2 相关校核计算    20
    3.2.1 操纵舵升力计算    20
    3.2.2 步进电机轴的扭转强度校核    21
    3.2.3 弹簧的选择与校核    22
    4 修正机构空气动力学分析    24
    4.1 舵片运动受力分析    24
    4.2 操纵舵片面积和倾角对空气动力学的影响    25
    结  论    27
    致谢    28
    参考文献    29
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