    矿用液压回柱绞车设计与计算【摘  要】:本文对回柱绞车的发展历史进行了概述,结合各大制造商的产品来分析回柱绞车的发展现状,并将这些产品进行对比研究,总结出不同类型回柱绞车的优点,发现其中存在的不足,提出自己的观点和看法。32659
    Design and Calculation on The Hydraulic Prop-pulling Winch
    [Abstract]:The development history of prop-pulling winch is summarized in the paper, through combining with the manufacturer’s products to analyse the present condition of the prop-pulling winch , and these products are compared with each other for summarizing the advantages of all kinds of winch and finding the disadvanages of the winch, at the sane time, my own view and opinions has been proposed.
    According to the design requirements and the design solutions, for the main part of the winch, small teeth difference planetary gear reducer, all the basic parameters of the reducer are designed and calculated, the internal gear pair meshing contact ratio and outline and the overlap interference was checked,the tip clearance coefficient of internal and external gear also are checked, the internal and external gear teeth and the common normal are calculated, including the teeth thickness deviation and the upper and lower limits of common normal deviation. Through the force analysis of rotating arm bearings and related parts selection,the size of output mechanism is determined , and the relevant drawings are drawn by AutoCAD.
    Based on the basic parameters that calculated, using the Pro/ENGINEER to components modelings, the finite element analysis was carried out on the important parts. All the parts assembled into the machine,the installation document and test requirements document are written.
    In this design,the summary and prospect are proposed, and pointing out the problems in the design process, predicting the development prospects of the hydraulic drawing winch.
    [Keyword]:Hydraulic winch ; Small teeth difference planetary transmission ; Three-dimensional
              Modeling ; Static Analysis
    目    录
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    目  录    III
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1 概述    1
    1.2 课题的背景及来源    1
    1.3 课题的研究意义和目的    1
    1.4 回柱绞车的国内外发展现状及分析    1
    1.5 本课题主要研究的内容    4
    1.6 本章小结    5
    第二章 少齿差行星齿轮减速器的设计    6
    2.1 引言    6
    2.2 减速器结构型式的确定及齿数差和齿数的选择    6
    2.3 齿轮的几何尺寸、模数的计算及验算    7
    2.4 齿轮的其它参数的计算    9
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