



    The car has become an indispensable part of people's life, auto safety car safety has more and more especially cause the attention of people. The design of the door roof concussion test-beds, can rely on both sides support stands in the Z axis vertical movement direction, can the X axis around for 0 ° ~ 40 ° turns, can around the Y axis direction-20 ° ~ 20 ° swing. Hydraulic system machine control system is the important part, this paper mainly that surrounding hydraulic system for the design and calculation of. According to the movement of the machine tool selection executive components-form the hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic pressure motor, according to load calculation and choose power components-hydraulic motor, and add pressure valve, flow valve, overflow valve system of hydraulic pressure, flow, the flow speed control. Finally, using the hydraulic principle chart drawing AutoCAD, assembly drawing, parts and parts of PLC control chart figure. 

    Keywords: car door roof impact test rig, hydraulic design, PLC programming, AutoCAD 


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 汽车安全国内外发展现状 1

    1.3液压冲击机床的国内外发展现状 2

    1.4 本文的主要内容 3

    第二章  相关法规 4

    2.1 液压马达的选择标准 4

    2.2 液压泵的选择标准 5

    2.3 电机的选择标准 7

    2.4 GB 26134—2010乘用车顶部抗压强度 8

    第三章 总体结构方案设计 10

    3.1 设计的要求和特点 10

    3.2 转动装置设计方案 11

    3.3 摆动设计方案 12

    第四章 液压部分的设计 13

    4.1一号回路的设计 13

    4.1.1 工况分析 13

    4.1.2 确定液压执行元件主参数 14

    4.1.3 拟订液压系统原理图 17

    4.1.4 液压元件选择计算 18

    4.2 二号回路的设计 20

    4.2.1 工况分析 20

    4.2.2 确定液压执行元件主参数 22

    4.2.3 拟订液压系统原理图 23

    4.2.4 液压元件选择计算 25

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