



    According to the automobile safety belt fixed point test bench development study of design and calculation, in order to meet the needs of car seats and seat belt fastened point intensity test, developed a car seat and seat belt fastened point intensity test bench. The test uses the electrohydraulic servo system for loading mechanism, has 9loading channel, can realize single or multi-axis synchronous loading test. Each channel can position servo control and force servo control loading test. The test machine frame structure of high strength, flexible mechanical function, can according to the different models of self adjusting tool position, to meet the various models of a variety of test installation requirements. The test table of functional integration, in this test bench can be performed safely with fixed point strength test, strength test, seat passenger seat backrest strength test and static stiffness testing project. A variable gain control method, the effective test system to improve the loading precision under complicated load condition, can still keep good performance, has strong robust performance.

    Key words: automobile seat strength test; car; safety belt fixed point; test bench; electro-hydraulic servo loading; variable gain control


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2我国安全带固定点试验台的现状与发展 1

    1.3研究的意义与目的 1

    1.4研究的主要内容 2

    第二章 安全带固定点实验的相关研究法规 3

    2.1主要技术法规 3

    2.2相关技术法规的特点 3

    2.2.1欧洲相关技术法规的特点 4

    2.2.2美国相关技术法规的特点 4

    2.2.3澳大利亚相关标准的特点 4

    2.3常见的失效形式及原因探讨 5

    2.3.1座椅锁止机构失效 5

    2.3.2座椅靠背限位机构失效 6

    2.3.3椅脚强度不够 7

    2.3.4头枕问题 8

    2.3.5座椅连接部位脱(断)开 8

    2.3.6安全带固定点问题 9

    2.3.7座椅固定件问题 9

    第三章 总体功能方案设计 10

    3.1机械结构设计 10


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