



    Abstract By people known as the”Giant of the arm”,”draw the art in the sky”,”a symble of strength and beauty” ,of the crane is widely used in material production sectors of the national economy and the importance of loading and unloading 。Crane is that in a certain range of multiple motion vertical lifting and horizontal lifting hoisting machinery. Also called crane. Belonging to material handling machinery. Crane's work is characterized by intermittent exercise to do, namely, the corresponding mechanism of material in a working cycle of migration, the unloading action of the alternate work.

        This design is the mechanical design of slewing hydraulic crane, the crane to meet the new requirements of classification society, mainly for daily necessities and ship lifting equipment. Firstly, according to the main technical parameters are given by using SolidWorks to draw the 3D map of each part, and then make the assembly drawing; then, design and calculation of the general parts according to the main technical parameters given: Calculation of the boom design, stability calculation of boom boom, calculation of bearing design, shaft design calculation of hydraulic cylinder support, calculation the rotating part design, calculation of the hydraulic pump station design. Finally the calculation results into design specifications.

    Keywords: Rotary hydraulic crane; mechanical design; solidworks

    目   录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.2重机的发展趋势 1

    1.2.1起重机目前发展状况 1

    1.2.2 发展趋势 2

    1.3起重机设计的意义 3

    1.4 论文的主要工作内容 3

    第二章  回转液压起重机结构及性能特点 5

    2.1回转起重机简介 5

    2.2 回转液压起重机的特点 5

    2.3 回转液压起重机的整机结构及性能参数 6

    2.4液压回转起重机液压系统的组成及工作原理 7

    第三章  总体部件设计及计算 9

    3.1 起重臂设计计算 9

    3.1.1 起重臂强度校核计算 9

    3.1.2 N截面强度校核 9

    3.1.3 M截面强度校核 10

    3.2 起重臂稳定性计算

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