




     Abstract As the power components and the actuator components of hydraulic system ,the hydraulic pump and the motor are the heart of the entire hydraulic system, of which the performance directly affects the entire hydraulic system`s. Therefore, there is very important significance to test the performance of hydraulic pumps and motors accurately. The performance test is an important means of  identifying product strengths and weaknesses, improving structural design and technological level, ensuring system performance and promoting product upgrading. 

    The design involved in this paper mainly discusses how to test hydraulic the eligibility of pumps and hydraulic motors by measuring displacement, flow, volumetric efficiency of the hydraulic pump-hydraulic pump, hydraulic motors with given external conditions. 

    In this paper,we design the hydraulic system bench of the hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor, and calculate the related parameters , draw series of three-dimensional maps and two-dimensional drawings of the hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor,including Schematic experimental system, pump station assembly drawings, parts drawings of tank and valve block parts diagrams,which lay a theoretical foundation for the design of the hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor hydraulic system bench. 

    Key words : hydraulic pump; hydraulic motor; hydraulic system。


    Abstact 4

    第一章 绪论 7

    1.1课题背景 7

    1.1.1国内外液压泵、液压马达试验台的发展状况 7

    1.1.2液压泵、液压马达试验台在未来的发展趋势 7

    1.1.3存在的问题 8

    1.2本次设计的主要内容 9

    1.3本章小结 10

    第二章 摆线液压马达试验台液压系统的设计......................................................11 

    2.1 摆线液压马达试验台工作原理 11

    2.2被试马达的主要测试项目以及相关要求 12

    2.3所需测试项目及测试方法 13

    2.4液压马达性能表达式及参数 16

    2.5 本章小结 17

    第三章 液压元件的选择 18

    3.1 液压马达实验台系统部分 18

    3.1.1 被试马达、泵、电机及联轴器的选择 18

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