


    Harness winding machine equipment research and development

    Abstract :The development of today's electronic equipment is inseparable from the wiring harness. With the development of electrical equipment, the demand for wiring harness is more and more. Harness in the coating stereotypes is in the low rate of automation. It makes wire harness production into labor-intensive industries.  Domestic and international have developed two types of wire harness winding machine.  These are semi-automated products. There is no realization of wire harness automation winding stereotypes processing equipment. 

    Based mainly on wire harness winding process requirements in this paper, we design a wire harness winding machines and analyze equipment by making a feasibility test. Equipment is designed with built-in tape, adding automatic cut tape devices, and can  automatically switch between different sizes of tape devices by dialing line branch  device wiring harness-clad through cable harness tension control can be realized. Guarantee has line beam products of stability, so as to improve production efficiency. 

    Keywords: Harness;Winding mechanism; automation;Station recognition   


    1绪论 1

    1.1 课题的来源及背景 1

    1.2  研究目的 1

    1.3 国内外研究进展 2

    1.3.1 线束缠绕加工工艺 2

    1.3.2线束缠绕机发展现状 4

    1.3.3总结 5

    2总体方案及结构设计 7

    2.1线束缠绕机的工艺流程 7

    2.2设备整体方案设计 8

    3线束缠绕机机构设计 10

    3.1设备机架设计 10

    3.2 缠绕机构设计 11

    3.2.1齿轮的选型设计 13

    3.2.2轴的选定 16

    3.2.3 轴承的选定 18

    3.2.4胶带座的设计 19

    3.3 胶带切断机构设计 19

    3.4 束线机构的设计 20

    3.5 缕线机构设计 21

    3.6 吊杆尺寸设计 22

    3.6.1键的校核 22

    3.7设备传动设计 23

    3.7.1电机的选型 23

    3.7.2 联轴器选型 24

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