
    Pneumatic transmission has many advantages, inexhaustible air, after use without treatment can be directly discharged into the atmosphere, easy to focus on gas and long-distance transport, work environment adaptability, pneumatic device structure is simple, lightweight, easy installation and maintenance, Pneumatic transmission is currently used in food chemical packaging machines, robots, ships, fire and many other areas of the existing technology is more mature.

    The design is mainly for high-rise glass curtain wall scrub, designed a free exercise can be controlled on the high-rise and can complete the glass curtain wall cleaning, the machine is equipped with built-in cleaning fluid to complete the automatic spray cleaning fluid, automatic scrubbing, mobile.

    In this design is the most critical is to ensure that the machine can be completely safe adsorption in the glass curtain wall will not fall. In the design need to ensure that no matter what moment there is a group of feet adsorbed on the glass, which in the mobile robot. In the design of the robot in the glass curtain wall movement is the core of this design, this design mainly learn the crawling of insects, through the cylinder to control the movement of the joints and with the adsorption of suction cups in the high-rise glass curtain wall, Is mainly through the two groups of three feet each, in the glass curtain wall to form a stable combination, so the mobile robot, the robot sucker enough to have a vacuum detection device, as long as there is a suction cup can not form a vacuum, the other group will not Release, to ensure that whenever there is a group of triangular suction cups adsorbed on the glass curtain wall to ensure that the machine will not fall.

    Clean the brush using the air motor to drive the brush plate rotation, in the fit and swing with the swing, cleaning the brush by the two groups, up and down the two components in the glass curtain wall cleaning. In the design of the brush with a compression spring and brush with the rotation of the brush can be fully fit on the glass curtain wall.

    The filling liquid is filled with the inside of the filling bottle to fill the appropriate pressure to make the cleaning fluid spray, the nozzle at the opening of the pores to form a liquid spray on the glass, filling bottles can withstand a certain high pressure chamber, The spray is sprayed on the glass curtain wall.

    KeyWords: robot

    目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    1 引言 1

        1.1课题论述 1

        1.2课题研究意义 1

    1.3国内外擦窗机器人的研究 2

    1.3.1国外擦窗机器人的研究 3

    1.3.2国内擦窗机器人的研究 4

    1.4设计主要内容 4

    1.4.1吸附式气动擦窗机器人移动机构设计 4

    1.4.2吸附式气动擦窗机器人清洗机构设计 4

    1.4.3吸附式气动擦窗机器人清洗液盛放设计 4

    1.5 本章小结 4

    2 2  吸附式气动擦窗机器人整体方案设计 6

    2.1吸附式气动擦窗机器人整体方案设计 6

    2.2  吸附式气动擦窗机器人移动设计方案 6

    2.2.1   吸附式气动擦窗机器人吸盘设计选型及其方案 6

    2.2.2   吸附式气动擦窗机器人足设计及其方案

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