


    Coil and heating equipment of conductive rod insulated packing equipment

    Abstract:The purpose of this graduation is to reduce manpower,Increase productivity.The equipment of conductive rod insulation is to solve the problem of the cloth bandaging by hand, and the equipment is changed to automatic equipment.Design part is the main equipment of partial winding and put a roll of institutions and the heating device, winding and rolling mechanism by changing the insulation fabric tension, for different requirements of the workpiece around the package, just like in the textile cloth similar around the drum.The component of the change tension is an empty pressure shaft brake, and the insulation is placed in the middle of the brake.The heating device is the heating of the insulation cloth around the package process, so that the insulating fabric can be wrapped around the conductive pole without the gap, preventing the resulting bubbles from being caused by the waste.The heating device is produced by the heat blower, which is exported from the hot air knife through the pipe, which is directly applied to the conductive rod, which is combined with the insulating cloth. After completing the process of winding and need to cool the conductive rod, after processing in the installation to the winding and position, can be directly to machining of wrapped around the conductive rod, to the finished product after processing, save time and effort.

    KeyWords: The blade adjustment, the brake, the insulation cloth, the heat blower, the wrap roll

    目  录

    1  引言 1

      1.1  选题背景 1

      1.2  选题意义 1

      1.3  国内外发展情况 2

        1.3.1  国外发展情况 2

        1.3.2  国内发展情况 2

    2  方案设计及选择 3

      2.1  关键问题 3

      2.2  设计思路 3

      2.3  原始数据 3

      2.4  绕包放卷机构传动动力装置方案 4

    2.4.1 方案一 4

    2.4.2 方案二 4

    2.4.3 方案一、二对比 5

    2.4.4 方案选择 6

      2.5  加热装置加热方式方案 8

        2.5.1 方案一

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