    关键词:公司治理 内部控制 互动关系
    Research on the relationship between corporate governance and internal control
    Abstract:Scientific corporate governance structure and the internal control system is an important guarantee for the modern enterprise management and rapid development. However ,in recent years, there has been a lot of problems in China's rapid development of the market economy, such as listed companies malicious fraud, collusion management, etc. In addition to the influence of external factors ,such as political constitution, the modern enterprise system of separation of ownership and management, under the management of information as a trustee and a business owner principal asymmetry between corporate governance structure chaos and internal control system failure. The Authority is not in place and other internal factors are also important reasons. In this case, research the relationship between corporate governance and internal controls emerged. Based on the respective corporate governance and internal control of profound described above, for interaction between the two were discussed in order to make effective theoretical support to improve and enhance the market competitiveness of modern business management methods.

    Keywords:Corporate Governance  Internal Control  Interactive relationship
    一、 绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景和意义    1
    (二) 国内外的研究现状和发展趋势    1
    二、 公司治理与内部控制的相关理论的阐述    3
    (一) 公司治理的概念及其内容    3
    (二) 内部控制的概念及其内容    4
    三、 内部控制与公司治理之间的区别与联系    5
    (一) 公司治理与内部控制的区别     5
    (二) 内部控制与公司治理的联系    5
    四、 公司治理与内部控制之间的相互作用和影响    6
    (一) 分析公司治理对内部控制造成的影响    6
    (二) 内部控制对公司治理所造成的影响    7
    五、 上市公司治理结构与内部控制制度的实证研究    7
    (一) 提出相关假设    8
    (二) 样本选取和数据收集    9
    (三) 定义变量    9
    (四) 建模与回归分析    9
    (五) 实证结果及分析    10
    751、 相关政策及建议    11
    致谢    12
    参考文献    13,3795
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