
    摘要目的:基于LC-MS研究利用虫草菌转化银杏黄酮机理。方法:本实验采取有机溶剂蒸馏法联合液相色谱-质谱(LC-MS)技术对北虫草菌,银杏叶提取物,银杏叶和北虫草菌共培养物的作用成分进行定性分析与定量测定,使用峰面积归化法对单个组分的相对含量进行推算和比较。利用MS/M.S,推导出出北虫草菌对银杏的生物转化途径。结果:银杏和北虫草菌共培养的银杏提取物和单独培养的银杏中的银杏提取物相比,银杏黄酮、内酯和酚酸含量都有所减少;银杏内酯从21.55 mg/100g减少到14.25 mg/100g,减少了约30%;银杏黄酮从27.65 mg/100g减少到19.52 mg/100g,减少了约30%;银杏酚酸从4.11 mg/100g减少到3.10 mg/100g,减少了约25%。共培养的北虫草菌提取物与单独培养的北虫草菌提取物相比,虫草素、虫草酸(虫草的次级代谢产物)的含量上升,虫草素含量从15.26 mg/100g增长28.67 mg/100g,增加了约50%;虫草酸从16.58 mg/100g增长为21.55 mg/100g,增加了约30%。但是虫草生长所必须的腺苷、多糖和可溶性蛋白的含量下降,虫草腺苷从14.88 mg/100g减少到4.55 mg/100g,减少了约70%。虫草多糖从26.98 mg/100g减少到10.87 mg/100g,减少了约60%。可溶性蛋白从44.65 mg/100g减少到25.66 mg/100g,减少了约42%。虫草素和虫草酸有抗氧化和抗肿瘤功能,共培养物中虫草素和虫草酸的含量有显著增加,和北虫草菌提取物相比,虫草素增加了13.41 mg/100g,虫草酸增加了4.79 mg/100g。69934


    毕业论文关键词:LC-MS  银杏黄酮  虫草素  虫草酸

    Study on the mechanism of the transformation of Ginkgo flavonoids by Cordyceps sinensis based on LC-MS

    Abstract object: Study on the mechanism of the transformation of Ginkgo flavonoids by Cordyceps sinensis based on LC-MS. Methods: This experiment adopts the combination of organic solvent distillation and liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC - MS) detection in north cordyceps sinensis, Ginkgo biloba extract (mainly Ginkgo biloba extract), Ginkgo biloba and north Cordyceps sinensis culture the role of the component qualitative analysis and quantitative measurement. By peak area domestication method to calculate and compared the relative content of the inpidual components. With the quality inspection in the MS, through molecular weight changes, analyze the north Cordyceps sinensis bioconversion of Ginkgo.Results: Ginkgo and north Cordyceps fungus co culture of Ginkgo biloba extract and Ginkgo biloba extract in separate culture compared to the Ginkgo biloba extract,the contents of Ginkgo flavonoids, Ginkgo biloba lactones and ginkgo phenolic acids decreased. The decrease of Ginkgo biloba lactone from 21.55 mg/100g to 14.25 mg/100g was reduced by about 30%.Ginkgo flavonoids decreased from 27.65 mg/100g to 19.52 mg/100g, reduced by about 30%. Ginkgo phenolic acids from 4.11 mg/100g reduced to 3.10 mg/100g, reduced by about 25%. The contents of Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps acid (secondary metabolites) were increased in the co cultured Cordyceps sinensis extracts compared with the Cordyceps sinensis extracts alone. The content of cordycepin from 28.67 mg/100g to 15.26 mg/100g, which increased by about 50%; The Cordyceps acid growth from 16.58 mg/100g to 21.55 mg/100g, which increased by about 30%. The content of adenosine, Cordyceps polysaccharide and soluble protein (the primary metabolites of Cordyceps) decreased. Cordyceps adenosine from 14.88 mg/100g to 4.55 mg/100g, reduced by about 70%. Cordyceps polysaccharide from 26.98 mg/mg decreased to 10.87 mg/mg, fell by almost 60%. Soluble protein from 44.65 mg/100g to 25.66 mg/100g, reduced by about 42%. Cordyceps acid and Cordyceps have antioxidant and anti-tumor function,Cordyceps and Cordyceps acid increased significantly in co-cultures. Compared with the extract of Cordyceps sinensis,the increase of the amount of Cordyceps sinensis is 13.41 mg/100g , the increase of the amount of oxalic acid is 4.79 mg/100g. This enhances the anti oxidative and anti tumor function of co culture.

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