

    毕业论文关键词: 图像直方图均衡化 视频图像 保持亮度 图像对比度增强 BPDHE

    Abstract Image as an important source of information in the world, where humans can extract a lot of information. Image processing has gradually developed into an important discipline, many scientific predecessors proposed a variety of image processing methods, histogram processing image is one of the more commonly used method. Traditional histogram processing methods, for the enhancement of image contrast has some shortcomings. This method does not allow the image to be selected. For images with multiple peaks and brightness that are not extremely unbalanced, this method will make the image lose a lot of detail, introduce unnecessary deterioration, and the contrast is not correct. This method is not suitable for video products. In order to apply to the video product, and to ensure the correctness of the contrast of the video image, this paper focuses on a histogram processing method suitable for video image contrast, that is, the dynamic histogram equalization image contrast enhancement method (BPDHE). This method can produce an image in which the average luminance of the image is almost equal to the average luminance of the input image, thereby maintaining the average luminance unchanged to accommodate the video product. First, the image through the Gaussian filter filter out the noise, and then make the image gray frequency histogram. One square filter of its histogram, smooth histogram to form a smooth curve, select the peak of the curve. Divide the histogram based on the selected maximum value and map to a new dynamic range. Respectively, these new dynamic range of histogram equalization processing. Because of the histogram equalization process, and for the new dynamic range changes, the average brightness of each histogram will certainly change. Thus, the last step of the method is to normalize the brightness of the output image. After the experiment, the method is very good to retain the average brightness of the original image, while doing the contrast enhancement, the image part of the more prominent, improve the visual experience of the image.

    Keywords: image histogram equalization video image hold brightness image contrast enhancement BPDHE

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