

    毕业论文关键词  干涉成像光谱技术  高通量  共轭对称化  傅里叶变换


    Title    Research on the recovery method of interferometric imaging spectrometry  

    Abstract    Interference imaging spectrum technology is the organic integrationof modern imaging technology and spectroscopy technology. People can obtain

     target two-dimensional space information and one dimensional spectrum information by interference imaging spectrum technology. This paper first introduces the interference research and development of the interference imaging spectrum technology, and then systematically expound on the theory of interference imaging spectrum. introduction the advantages and disadvantages of the three kinds of interference imaging spectrometers. This article focuses on the spectrum recovery of the high etendue interference imaging spectrum technology.We clarify the theory of interference imaging spectrum recovery. To collected interferogram we make removal of trend items, apodizatin filter, phase correction and conjugate symmetric treatment, then obtain the spectrum by inverse Fourier transform. On the basis of the algorithm research, I write a MATLAB program to calculate the interference patterns ,and analyze the experimental results.

    Keywords  Interference imaging spectrometer technology  High etendue Conjugate symmetrization  Fourier transform

    1 绪论 1

    1.1课题研究背景 1

    1.2干涉成像光谱技术的发展 1

    1.3本文的主要研究内容 2

    2 干涉成像光谱技术 4

    2.1 干涉成像光谱理论 4

    2.1.1 干涉仪与干涉图 4

    2.1.2 干涉信息与光谱信息对应关系 5

    2.2 干涉成像光谱仪 6

    2.2.1 时间调制型 7

    2.2.2 空间调制型 8

    2.2.3 时空混合调制型 9

    3 干涉成像光谱复原理论 12

    3.1 去趋势项 12

    3.2 切趾滤波 13

    3.2.1 切趾函数的选取原则 14

    3.2.2 三角窗函数及其它切趾函数 14

    3.3 相位校正 18

    3.4 共轭对称化和傅里叶变换计算 19

    3.5 高通量型干涉成像光谱仪的干涉信息的提取 21

    4 实验及数据处理 24

    4.1 光谱复原流程图

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