

    毕业论文关键词: Bi2O3/PbO;熔融温度;熔融时间;荧光粉;微晶玻璃; 蓝光光源

    Preparation of Bismuthate Fluorescent Glass and Its Luminescent Properties

    Abstract: The glass was first prepared by melt-cooling. Five different Bi2O3 / PbO content matrix glasses were analyzed by transmission spectroscopy to obtain the best glass matrix components. The melting temperature, the different melting time and the bismuth varnish glass with different phosphor content were analyzed by photovoltage spectrum and electrochromatogram. The optimum melting temperature was obtained. Optimum melting time and optimum phosphor content. Finally, the best performance of the glass-ceramic and blue light source for simple packaging, composed of light source, measuring its steady-state light flux and color temperature and drive current relationship, and then concluded.

    Keywords: Bi2O3 / PbO; melting temperature; melting time; phosphor; glass-ceramic; blue light source


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    1 绪论 1

    1.1课题的研究目的 1

    1.2课题的特色、创新点及实用价值 1

    1.3国内外研究现状和发展趋势 2

    1.4玻璃的制备方法 2

    1.4.1熔体冷却技术 3

    1.4.2气相制备技术 3

    1.4.3液相制备技术 3

    1.5玻璃的配料与熔制要点简介 4

    1.5.1原料的均匀性 4

    1.5.2玻璃的熔制温度 4

    1.5.3玻璃的熔制过程 5

    1.5.4玻璃的退火过程 6

    1.6荧光玻璃的概述 7

    1.6.1荧光玻璃的基本性能 7

    1.6.2荧光玻璃的应用 8

    1.6.3荧光玻璃的优势 8

    1.7LED 封装用微晶玻璃的关键制备工艺和材料体系的选择 8

    2 实验 10

    2.1 实验原材料和药品 10

    2.2 实验用仪器设备 10

    2.3 试样制备 12

    2.3.1铋百分比不同的基质玻璃制备 12

    2.3.2经不同温度熔融的玻璃陶瓷 12


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