
    摘 要:微博的崛起为企业的营销带来了新的模式,其中通过事件进行营销是企业微博营销的一个重要手段。本课题将以全民参与的天猫“双11”营销事件为例,通过此案例中天猫、淘宝、支付宝、一些名人明星、普通大众等不同相关微博账号在新浪平台中的联系与互动的分析,以及对天猫微博账号在新浪平台中发起的如抢红包、晒包裹等事件中的活动进行研究,试图总结企业微博营销中的传播模式。本研究将从一系列关于双十一的关键词的搜索结果中,选取样本进行分析,在综合文献资料和真实数据的基础上进行分析。本文还将以多级传播模式为多级传播为理论基础,对传播效果的数据进行分析,对事件传播关键节点进行梳理,并将搭建传播流程图来表现事件营销中的传播模式。57788


    Abstract:Based on Online Shopping Festival on 11th November, Tmall.com, Taobao, both online shops, and Zhifubao, a method of online paying, are analyzed through a case study. Some celebrities and ordinaries recreate with each other through Sina microblog. Apart from that, the phenomenon that the recreation activities like grabbing red pockets in festivals, sharing the parcels offered by Tmall.com is also researched. The relationships and connections of microblog users and of all these activities are about to be found in this thesis. Among all key words about the Online Shopping Festival in 11th November searched in Sina searching engine, some of them are extracted as samples to be analyzed, as well as according to references and authentic data, combined with some analysis about the reactions between microblog users, the chain reaction existing in microblog platform, which is similar to multistage propagation are observed. On top of that, in accordance with the model of multistage propagation, connected with the analysis of the data of the effects of communication and that of the key point of event propagation, the model chart is going to be built to reflect it.

    Keywords: weibo, marketing model, double 11, event marketing, marketing platform, marketing activities

    目  录

    一、前言 4

    二、文献综述 4

    (一)对于微博营销的研究 5

    (二)对于微博营销传播模式的研究 5

    三、研究问题 6

    四、本文研究方法 6

    (一)案例分析法 6

    (二)案例研究对象 6

    (三)样本来源 6

    (四)分析方法 7

    五、案例分析 7

    (一)微博平台传播模式 7

    (二)微博活动传播模式 13

    六、研究结果 15

    七、不足与改进 17

    结论 18

    参考文献 19

    致谢 20

    附录 21



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