
        It’s worth noticing that DMI has similarities with misunderstanding, but be different from it. Yus regards “misunderstanding” as ‘‘the addressees’ inability to select one interpretation, among all the possible interpretations that a stimulus can have in a context, which is precisely the interpretation that the addresser intends to communicate.” (487) Misunderstanding refers to someone who don’t comprehend the speaker’s meaning while DMI emphasizes that the hearer can understand the speaker’s meaning correctly but deliberately misinterpret it for some purposes.
        The present paper aims at explaining the reasons why the interlocutors employ deliberate misinterpretation in their verbal conversations.
    The study of DMI may reflect the communicative competence of language users. An elaborate study of it may lead to a better understanding of this phenomenon, promote the use of it, and enhance our strategic use of language in general.
    The present study is aimed at helping promote a clear understanding of deliberate misinterpretation and the verbal communication among people, and make some suggestions about how to achieve effective communication by employing the pragmatic strategy of deliberate misinterpretation accordingly. After all, helping people become better users of language is the utmost concern of the language study.
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