    Quality assurance of nailed pallet Abstract: This design is designed for the Swedish company AvenPallen to make sure that the quality assurance of nailed pallet. The company AvenPallen required the height of nails on each pallet do not higher than 1mm in the production process in order that it will not influence the quality of products after painting. By suggesting four inspection systems: Mechanical inspection system, optical inspection system, vision technique system and 3D laser scanning system to achieve the requirement of the company.
    In the design process, in order that optical inspection system and vision technique system can meet the situation of the company AvenPallen, there are some changes of these two systems, which can get two new systems: optical inspection system and shadow inspection system. After comparing the cost performance of these two new systems with mechanical inspection system and 3D laser scanning inspection system. The optical inspection system and shadow inspection system has been considered to tested. Through the experimental, the shadow inspection system with software (MATLAB) measurement is the most suitable system for the company AvenPallen.
    Key words: Automated inspection, 3D laser, vision technique, optical inspection, shadow measurement.
    摘要:本设计是为瑞典AvenPallen公司设计木板钉钉时质量保证的系统。该公司要求在生产过程中,要保证每块木板上钉子的高度不得超过1mm,以使得油漆涂刷过程中不会对产品质量造成影响。通过设想的四个系统:机械压板系统、光学检测系统、视觉系统和 三文镭射系统,来达到该公司的要求。
    1 Introduction2
    1.1 Background2
    1.2 Problem description2
    1.3 Scope2
    2 Methodology2
    3 Inspection techniques3
    3.1 Mechanical inspection 4
    3.2 Optical inspection4
    3.2.1 The optical alarm 4
    3.3 Vision technique 4
    3.3.1 The introduction of vision technique5
    3.3.2 The type of application5
    3.4 3D laser scanning 6
    3.4.1 The type of D laser scanning technology6
    4 Design7
    4.1 Mechanical inspection system7
    4.1.1 The suggested mechanical inspection7
    4.2 Optical inspection system7
    4.2.1 The suggested optical inspection system7
    4.3 Suggested vision technique8
    4.3.1 The suggested vision technique system8
    4.4 Suggested 3D laser scanning10
    4.4.1 The suggested laser scanning system10
    4.5 Improve system11
    4.6 Comparison of four systems11
    5 Evaluate of system performance12
    5.1 The test of optical inspection system15
    5.2 The test of shadow inspection system15
    6 Image analysis16
    6.1 Direct measured method16
    6.2 Software measured method 18
    7 Results and discussion21
    7.1 The results of optical inspection system21
    7.2 The results of shadow inspection system22
    8 Conclusions and future work23
    Appendix A27
    Appendix B28
    Appendix C35
    The aim of this thesis project is about the quality assurance of nailed pallet for the Swedish company AvenPallen. In this report there will suggest four possible inspection systems and evaluate one solution to detect the un-knocked nails in each pallet in the production process.
    The company AvenPallen is charge of the different kinds of wood products, and these products are usually nailed in a robot cell. Because of the variation in the wood, like unevenness of the density and tilt and twist of the pallets, the nails might not be completely driven into the wood. This problem will influence the smoothness of the pallet surface, and the production is unable to meet the requirements of customers and also will cause the cost of waste. In order to solve this problem, the company AvenPallen manages to find some possible inspection systems to achieve quality assurance process while nailing.
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