    关键词  教师提问   反馈   语用身份
    Title  An Investigation on Teachers’ Questioning Strategies
    in English Majors’ Classroom  

    As the major tool for facilitating teacher-students interactions, teachers’ questioning has a great effect on teachers’ teaching and students’ learning effects. The present study, adopting recording and questionnaire, investigated questioning strategies of three intensive reading English teachers for English majors from school of Foreign studies, Nanjing University of Science and Technology. Teachers’ questioning was investigated from the following aspects: the amount of teachers’ questioning, the types of teachers’ questions, teachers’ wait-time for answers, teachers’ questioning distribution, the techniques of teachers’ questioning, reflection of questioning and teachers’ feedbacks to students’ responses. Meanwhile, the present study introduced “pragmatic identity” to explain teachers’ questioning strategies for some situated communicative acts and its effects on teaching. The present study attempts to strengthen the effectiveness of teachers’ questioning, improves classroom teaching and organization, facilitates English majors’ participation and enhances students’ second language acquisition.
    Keywords   Teachers’ Questioning   Feedback   Pragmatic Identity
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1    Research Background    1
    1.2    Purpose and Significance of the Research    2
    1.3    Theoretical Basis of the Research    2
    1.4    Layout of the Thesis    3
    2 Literature Review    4
    2.1 Definition of Teachers’ Questioning    4
    2.2 Previous Studies on Teachers’ Classroom Questioning    5
    2.3 Studies on Teachers’ Pragmatic Identities in Classroom    8
    2.4 Brief Summary    9
    3 Research Design    9
    3.1 Research Questions    9
    3.2 Data Collection    10
    3.3 Data Analysis    10
    4 Findings and Discussion    11
    4.1Types of Questions    11
    4.2 Questioning and Feedbacks    15
    4.3 Analysis of Teachers’ Pragmatic Identity in Questioning Process    23
    5 Conclusion    31
    5.1 Major Findings    31
    5.2 Implications of the Study    32
    5.3 Limitations    33
    5.4 Recommendations for Further Research    33
    Acknowledgments    35
    Bibliography    36
    AppendixⅠ    39
    Appendix Ⅱ    41
    Table 1 Frequency of different questions used by the 3 teachers    12
    Table 2 Wait-time of the 3 teachers    16
    Table 3 Questioning techniques used by the 3 teachers    17
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