    关键词  专四听写   常见错误   策略
    Title  A Study of Common Errors and Relative Strategies in TEM-4 Passage Dictation
    This paper takes the sophomores of English major in Nanjing University of Science and Technology as subjects, and collects their dictation answer sheets of three mock tests of TEM-4. Through analyzing and classifying the results of the dictation part in the three mock tests, this paper finds 9 kinds of common errors that English major students tend to make in their tests. This paper illustrates these kinds of errors by corresponding examples and analyzes possible reasons that lead to these errors. Then, based on the previous studies of other researchers and several theories, this paper proposes several strategies in order to help students and teachers to hone their learning strategies or teaching strategies,therefore improving the accuracy rate of dictation.
    Keywords   TEM4 dictation   common errors   strategy
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction    1
    1.1  The Previous Study of TEM-4    1
    1.2  Research Design    2
    2  Result of Mock Tests    6
    2.1  Changing Words    7
    2.2  Omitting Words    8
    2.3  Spelling Errors    9
    2.4  Adding Words    10
    2.5  Punctuation    11
    2.6  The Misuse of Singular or Plural and the Misuse of Tense and Voice    12
    2.7  Other Kinds of Mistakes    13
    3  Strategies for Common Errors    14
    3.1  Enhance the Accumulation of Language Knowledge    14
    3.2  Improve Test-taking Skill    15
    3.3  Improve the Psychological Quality and the Knowledge of Cultural Background    16
    Conclusion    18
    Acknowledgement    19
    Bibliography    20
    1 Introduction
    The Test for English Majors-Band4 (TEM-4) is designed to exam the capability of sophomore students who major in English. It can illustrate students’ knowledge about English basic skill, vocabulary, grammar and sentence construction. And the standard of this test is regulated in the Examination Syllabus of TEM-4. In order to have a comprehensive result of students’ skills, the test implements multiple examination modes that can ensure the scientificity, objectivity and feasibility of the test.
    Dictation, as the first part of “Test for English Majors—Band 4”, takes a proportion of 15% of the total score. This part of test takes about 15 minutes and includes about 150 words, which are pided into 15 chunks or sentence groups for marking. It is an important part in the TEM-4 and in the process of English learning. In his A Language Testing handbook, A. Harrison (1983) said that dictation could reflect all situations that could happen in communication. This part aims at assessing productive and receptive capability of the students. However, from the experience of these years’ test results, the general grade of this part is not as proper as expectation. Therefore, this paper expects to explore common errors through research and investigation, and tries to propose several possible strategies based on these errors, thus it can help to innovate teaching and learning methods to improve the average grade.
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