    摘 要语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的一部分,语言是文化的一面镜子,受到文化的影响。汉英文化中礼貌用语是文化的重要组成部分,因此在渊源、内涵等方面上存在差异,而这些差异是汉英两种文化价值观差异的表现。随着中国加入世界贸易组织和全球市场的形成,礼貌语在跨文化交际中起着重要的作用。本文运用比较的手法,从礼貌渊源、礼貌原则两方面分析中西方礼貌现象差异形成的原因,并从称呼用语、隐私语、恭文语和自谦语、致谢语和道歉语、禁忌语和委婉语五个方面重点介绍英汉文化礼貌用语的差异,以期提高跨文化交际能力。24816
    Abstract as part of culture, is influenced by culture. Language courtesy is a kind of social phenomenon, which occurs in people’s lives, coordinating people’s communication activity and social relationships, avoiding the communication conflicts, and maintaining interpersonal harmony. With the forming of the globalized market and China’s entering the WTO, language courtesy is playing a more and more important role in our social life. So, the success of cross-cultural communication depends on the appropriate politeness. This paper mainly talks about cultural differences between China and the West from courtesy language and cultural value by means of comparison, including their sense and symbolic meaning. By comparative study, it tries to discuss from the aspects of politeness concept, politeness principle, in terms of address, privacy, modest language, gratitude and apologies, taboos and euphemisms, etc to analyze the reasons causing the differences between them.
    Key words:  language courtesy; cross-cultural communication; politeness concept  
    On Differences Between China and the West from Courtesy Language and Cultural Value
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Different Origins of the Concept of Politeness    2
    2.1 The History of Chinese Culture in the Concept of Politeness    2
    2.2 The History of English Culture in the Concept of Politeness    3
    Ⅲ. Comparison Between Chinese and English Politeness Principle    3
    3.1 The Politeness Principles of English Language    4
    3.2 The Politeness Principles of Chinese Language    5
    IV. Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English Politeness Expressions    6
    4.1 Differences in Terms of Address    7
    4.2 Differences in Privacy    8
    4.3 Compliments and Modest Language    10
    4.4 Gratitude and Apologies    10
    4.5 Taboos and Euphemisms    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

    Language is actually a product of culture, language contacts with culture. “As a universal phenomenon, politeness is observed in every society; it’ s main functions are maintaining social order; maintaining friendly interpersonal relations; reducing conflicts and misunderstandings by means of polite speech acts so as to attain the aim of communication.” (Li 29)
    Both Chinese language and English language have restrictions in the cultural factors. Due to the cultural differences between them, we can have different understandings about the politeness, and we can choose different ways to deal with it. So we should pay close attention to the connotation of different cultural values when talking with people from different cultures; otherwise it will lead to failures in communications. This paper analyzes the differences and the cause of the differences in order to make a successful cross-cultural communication.
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