    关键词  圆屋  法律  宗教  传统
    Title    A Semioethical Analysis on Louise Erdrich’s The Round House     
    Louise Erdrich has been a representative Ojibwe writer with numerous works including fourteen novels, a series of short stories, poetry and children literature. Erdrich’s focus on the Ojibwe history and culture as well as the living conditions of native Americans in most of her works makes her one of the leading writers in the “Native American Renaissance”. Her latest novel The Round House is awarded the American National Book Award. Based on theory of semioethics, this paper discusses the three approaches that the hero Joe explores in quest of justice: firstly, the author discusses features of the crime in the novel to identify the reasons of injustice in law system and the loopholes reflected in this case; then, a brief introduction of native American religion is give, after which taking the talk between Joe and the minister Travis as an example, it explains justice in a religious perspective; finally, it summarizes how Joe punishes the criminal according to the criterion of the traditional “Wiindigoo law”and analyzes the emblematic meaning of the core symbol “round house” from a semioethical perspective.
    Key words  round house  law  religion  tradition
    Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    2    The incompatible law system: federal, state and Indian law    3
    2.1    The complex law system and the influence on the case    3
    2.2        The legal loopholes under the law system    4
    3    The justice in religion    5
    3.1    The belief of American Indians    5
    3.2        The explanation of justice in religion    5
    4    The practice of the traditional rule: the “Wiindigoo law”    7
    4.1    The criterion of the “Wiindigoo law”    7
    4.2    The symbolic meaning of “round house”    7
    Conclusion    9
    Acknowledgments    10
    References    11
    1  Introduction
        Since 1980s, Louise Erdrich, as an prolific native American writer, has published lots of works of different genres. Most of her works, especially the fourteen novels, pay great attention to the life of native Americans. Those novels are all independent stories but associated with each other by characters from same clans and similar historic and cultural backgrounds, presenting a vivid and persified picture of the real living conditions of native Americans and the barrier they are facing.
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