
    Abstract The “Beat Generation” is an anti-traditional literary movement including philosophy, culture and social life. In America after World War II, the “Beat Generation”, with strong rebellious spirit and liberalistic thought, tries to build their ideal Utopia by using literary works in a new version. Jack Kerouac is the representative figure of the “Beat Generation”, whose work On the Road has been regarded as the representative work in the “Beat” literature. It has shown a most clear and important attitude of the “Beat Generation”. Dean Moriarty, who is depicted in this novel, has been the symbolism of the “Beat Generation”. Through the analysis of the protagonist Dean Moriarty from the cultural influence, personal affection and life experience, a safe conclusion can be drawn that the “Beat Generation” is never beaten in spirit. They just use the rebellious actions against orthodox ways to purse the spiritual freedom and resist the western materialism.60722

    Keywords: the “Beat Generation”; Jack Kerouac; On the Road; Dean Moriarty



    1. Introduction1

    1.1 Jack Kerouac and On the Road...1

    1.2 The “Beat Generation”....2

    2. Literature Review2

    2.1 Overseas research review.2

    2.2 Domestic research review....3

    2.3 Research significance4

    3. An Analysis of Dean Moriarty in On the Road ....5

    3.1 An analysis of Dean’s personal affection.5

    3.2 An analysis of the cultural influence.6

    3.3 An analysis of Dean’s life experience.7

    4. An Interpretation of the “Beat Generation” from Dean Moriarty.8

    4.1 The creating background of On the Road...8

    4.2 The relationship between the “Beat Generation” and Dean Moriarty.9

    4.3 The internal essence of the “Beat Generation” ..10

    5. Conclusion..11

    Works Cited...12

    1. Introduction 

    1.1 Jack Kerouac and On the Road

    Jack Kerouac (1922 ~ 1969) is a representative person of American the “Beat Generation”. His has many major works including On the Road, The Dharma Bum, Desolate Angel, and The Lonely Traveler and so on. He shocked the American mainstream culture values and the society values in the fifties and sixties in the 20th century with eccentric, clear-cut way of life and literature. Kerouac creates a new automatic writing style—— “wild prose” in the novel. His novel Life Memoir is a random plot with aimlessness, subverting the traditional style of writing. His wild and inspired life has become a kind of ideal of the “Beat Generation”.

    On the Road is pided into five parts. The first part: In 1947, Sal and Dean met each other in New York and began the first travel from the east to the west to cross the continental United States. In this part, Dean intervened from time to time, and the conversation between Sal and his partners has made readers feel Dean’s special status within the “Beat” partners and suggested the development of the coming series events. The second part: Sal returned to his aunt in New York. On Christmas day in 1948, Dean drove the car with his girlfriend Marylou suddenly arrived at Sal’s home and then they got back to the west again and then returned to New York. The third part: in 1949, Sal arrived in Denver again, and his friendship with Dean grew to the climax gradually. Then they came across the continent to the west along with each other. The fourth part: description of their “great journey” in Travel destination ----Mexico. The fifth part: ending story, Dean left Sal in Mexico, then returned to New York alone, Sal remembered the last meeting with the Dean, with a long sentimental and nostalgic talk.

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