    关键词  《小世界》  虚荣心  学术圈  虚伪
    Title    A World of Vanity in Small World                     
    Small World is one of the “campus trilogy” written by David Lodge. It vividly and distinctively depicts the world of vanity in the academic circle. By analyzing the similarity of the characters in this novel—— hypocrisy from three aspects: vanity in pursuits, socializing and so-called self-esteem, this thesis reveals the phenomenon that these scholars in the academic circle, a miniature of the society, all have their secrets, and fame and fortune and other physical pleasure are what they are always seeking. The thesis also goes into depth on the causes of this world of vanity, aiming to give warnings to the readers who live in the 21st century with the fast development of economy, technology and information that we should know what we are pursuing, and we should keep faith and enhance our inner quality rather than being captivated by outer physical pleasure.
    Keywords   Small World  vanity  academic circle  hypocrisy
    Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    2    A World of Vanity with Hypocrisy    2
    2.1    Vanity in pursuit    2
    2.2        Vanity in socializing    3
    2.3        Vanity in self-esteem    5
    3    Causes of This World of Vanity    7
    Conclusion     9
    Acknowledgments    11
    References    12
    1 Introduction
    David Lodge is not only a famous academic critic who masters literary terms and analysis instrument but also a novelist with strong self-awareness.(Su, 2002) Most of his novels are set in the academic circle and most characters in his novels are scholars. His novels mainly reflect some social problems such as human nature, marriage, family and so on. David Lodge is good at satirizing academic life and morbid behavior and he has lots of famous works, including the “Campus Trilody”: Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses, Small World, and Nice Work.
    As the representative novel, Small World is a humorous “campus novel” by David Lodge. And it is a famous contemporary novel with the greatest influence which was translated into Chinese by Chongqing Press at first in 1992. This novel begins at a small academic conference at the University of Rummidge. The main characters in this novel are scholars and one of their underlying similarities is that they all wear masks and have some so-called “secrets”, and they use those conferences for many other purposes, such as bigger names, higher positions, even love affairs and sex. At the last part of Small World, the author tells readers that most of the scholars know each other,  bringing out the theme that the world is small, and more scandals continue to happen, hinting what have happened in the novel are going on and on in real life.
    Some experts compare this novel to “the western Fortress Besieged”. It depicts the living condition of scholars who indulge in their own lives in the western academic circle and other people who don’t understand these scholars’ lives want to enter this circle. While the author reveals their clownism coldly. This novel criticizes not only these scholars, but also the existing system which have produced different kinds of hypocritical trends. Scholars always hold a perfunctory attitude towards academy so most of their academic researches are meaningless and they still waste lots of money and social resources.
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