    The Effects of America’s Cultural Value on its Foreign Policy – a Case Study of America’s Interventionism  AcknowledgmentsI am deeply indebted to Prof. Cao, School of Foreign Languages, who read the first draft and madehelpful comments and suggestions. Besides, I would like to acknowledge the support given to meby my teachers including her and friends, especially my college roommate duringmy preparation for the postgraduates’ exam. They offered a great amount of convenience as I wasbusy with multi-tasking for the exam and the thesis. Eventually, I have got the opportunity to studyInternational Relations at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and theprocess of working on my thesis has been more than smooth. Both are so satisfying and successful,to some degree thanks to their help. All of them must not, of course, be indicted as co-defendantsfor any misdemeanors that I may have committed in these pages. AbstractThe effect of America’s cultural values on its foreign policy is studied in the paper with a casestudy of interventionism. First, a general illustration of the three values are presented for furtherstudy. Second, from a bureaucratic perspective, the argument that cultural values have influence onforeign policy is stated within American political system; hence as a kind of foreign policybehavior, interventionism is influenced by cultural values. Third, three values are selected as theindependent variables and interventionism is treated as the dependent in the correlation.Theoretically, this part is pided into two subparts: adversary tracking by the understanding ofdemocracy and human rights; and impetus to change adversaries, derived from manifest destiny ofChristianity. In the following part, two cases of interventionism are presented: the Bosnian war andthe Iraq war to empirically testify the influence of the three cultural values on interventionism. Toconclude, the paper deals with the three liberal values’ influence on interventionism.41191
    KeyWords: cultural values, interventionism, adversary tracking, impetus
    1 Introduction. 1
    2 Overview of American Cultural Values Utilized in the Study. 3
    2.1 Democracy and Human Rights. 3
    2.2 Manifest Destiny. 4
    3 Causality between American Cultural Values and Interventionism. 6
    3.1 Culture as a Causal Factor on Agents’ Behavior 6
    3.2American Values as a Cause for Interventionism. 6
    4 Effects of American Values on Interventionism 10
    4.1Adversary-Tracking 10
    4.2 Impetus. 11
    5 Examples of Effects of American Cultural Values on Interventionism 13
    5.1 the Bosnian War 13
    5.2 the IraqWar. 15
    6 Conclusion 19
    Bibliography 20
    1 IntroductionMany factors contribute to the foreign policy of any international agent. The same goes tointerventionism as a kind of foreign policy behavior. Since the rise of constructivism, the study ofculture’s effects on agents and their behavior have been phenomenal in International Relations.Now, what contributes more to the behavior of an agent-whether it is states’ power, internationalinstitution, or culture, remains debated. But doubtless is that cultural factors have been emphasized,in analyzing agents’ behavior.Prof. Wittkopf, Kegley, and Scott, illustrate in American Foreign Policy: Pattern and Processcomprehensively: “five foreign policy sources that collectively influence decisions about foreignpolicy goals and the means chosen to realize them: the external (global) environment, the societalenvironment of the nation, the governmental setting in which policy making occurs, the rolesoccupied by policy makers, and the inpidual characteristics of foreign policy-making elites”(2003:II). The book is a comprehensive illustration of American foreign policy’s pattern andprocess, in which it illustrates the effects of cultural values. Yet, many scholars explore furtherabout each factor’s influence. Prof. Zhou compiled The U.S. Foreign Policy-Making Process,which reads the US foreign policy making from a bureaucratic perspective. In the book, the authorsanalyze American foreign policy making process based on the bureaucratic politics model. Theystudy the functions of the Presidency, Department of State, Congress, public opinion etc. in makingforeign policies.
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