


    Abstract With the government advocate in innovation and large-scale entrepreneurship in China, the intellectuals with innovative, productive and creative (IPC) competence are called on. The transformative lifelong learning turns out to be necessary in education. The paper investigated five interviewees and discovered that the teaching in pre-college education is difficult to touch the students’ heart and then transform their original frame of reference in knowledge and assumption, and that transformative learning was derived from dense instruction in time and space and its intensity. Because biology is close to the world nature and closely related to everyday life, the biology instruction in pre-college schools should go beyond the textbook and tests and should be interacted with students’ everyday life to transform their beginning frame of knowledge reference, by which learning will develop and grow just like a seed to germinate, sprout, grow and reproduce.

    Key words: transformative learning; biology; pre-college education; intrinsic motivation

    Comparative Study on the transformative learning in Biology in Pre-college Education


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    1.1 Current Demands and Promotion on Popular Entrepreneur and Innovation 1

    1.2 The research advancement on transformative learning 3

    1.2.1 Transformative learning 4

    1.2.2 Researches on methods or ways for transformative learning 6

    1.2.3 Researches on the mechanism for transformative learning 8

    1.3 The current transformative learning in ordinary institutes in China 11

    1.4 The importance of the study on transformative learning in ordinary institutions 12

    II. Study Method and design 13

    III. Result and Analysis 15

    3.1 The Author’s self reflection on the transformative learning 15

    3.2 Interview or Discuss with others 16

    3.3 Analysis 18

    IV. Conclusion 22

    V. Look out the transformative learning in ordinary institutions in China 23

    Bibliography 25

    Acknowledgements 29

    I. Introduction 

    1.1 Current Demands and Promotion on Popular Entrepreneur and Innovation

    Facing the challenge of economy lowering down, which was caused or brought on by the volatile economic situation in the world dated back to the international financial crisis happening in 2008, the traditional strategy to develop economy with a high speed is doubted, and the identified crux is, in industrial production, lack of creation and innovation to meet the ever-changing needs in the world. After the 10-year Cultural Revolution, the Reform and Opening-up starting in 1978, in fact, is the first massive innovation and entrepreneur. In the current serious economy challenge, the governments in China have encouraged and propelled the innovation and the massive entrepreneurship – a small-scale kind of reform.

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