

    毕业论文关键词: 电影片名翻译;归化;异化;原因


    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 Previous Research 1

    2.2 Introduction to Domestication and Foreignization 2

    3. Differences between Mainland China and Hong Kong in English Film Title Translation 3

    3.1Domestication versus Foreignization 3

    3.2 Form versus Meaning 5

    3.3 Cantonese versus Mandarin 5

    4. Causes of Differences of English Film Title Translation in Mainland China and Hong Kong 6

    4.1 Linguistic Cause 6

    4.2 Historical Cause 7

    4.3 Commercial Cause 7

    4.4 Political Cause 8

    5. Inspirations for Translation of English Film Title 8

    5.1 Problems of Film Title Translation in Mainland China and Hong Kong 8

    5.2 Solutions to the Problems 10

    6. Conclusion 11

    Works Cited 13

    1. Introduction

    On December 28, 1895, France Lumiere brothers were showing their own film in the basement of a coffee gallery in Paris, which marks the birth of the film. Since the 20th century, film has become a new type of entertainment in people’s daily life. With the development of economic globalization, the global village appears and the links between people are much closer. This is conducive to the dissemination of culture. The film is the carrier of culture. People can know different foreign culture from the foreign film. So film is not only a part of entertainment but also a way to introduce native culture to foreign country. As the film moves towards the internationalization, more and more people pay attention to the translations of English film titles. 

    Every film has its unique cultural characteristics. In the source language, there are many words and ways of expression which have no corresponding expression in the target language. These kinds of film title can hardly be understood by audience in the culture of target language. This problem can be solved by foreignization and domestication. According to Schleiermacher, there are two ways of translation; one is to let the author closer to the reader, the other is let the reader closer to the author. 论文网

    This essay tries to compare the methods of English film title translation between Mainland China and Hong Kong from the perspective of foreignization and domestication, analyzing the causes as well. With the comparative study, the thesis hopes to provide some inspirations for the translations of English film title in China.

    2. Literature Review

    2.1 Previous Research

    The earliest study of translation of English film title in China can be traced back to 1995.

    In 1995, Wu Min proposed literal translation skill, free translation skill and translation skill of amplification for the translation of English film title.

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