“Pseudo-Activeness” in English Classes Abstract For years, the center of the classroom teaching has long been debated. Student-centered teaching theory advocated by modern educational concept has gradually replaced the traditional teacher-centered theory to be the leading concept in classroom teaching, which makes students’ participation in class gain much concern. Classroom atmosphere, as a direct manifestation of students’ participation is also paid much attention to. Sticking to the modern teaching theory, schools have applied various methods to make students actively participate in classroom interaction, to create a lively classroom atmosphere. However, the facts are disappointing. Many schools put undue and partial emphasis on an active classroom atmosphere regardless of their teaching aims, as a result, the teaching efficiency is quite low, which gives rise to “pseudo-activeness”. This paper will probe into the main features of “pseudo-activeness”, its causes and provide some feasible suggestions to avoid it based on the research on some English classes.47675
Keywords: classroom participation, classroom atmosphere, teaching efficiency, “pseudo-activeness”
摘 要多年来,课堂的主体一直是教育研究者们争论的主题。现代教育观提倡的以学生为主体的教学观正逐渐取代传统的教师中心的教学观,这使得学生在课堂上的参与程度广受关注,而课堂气氛作为衡量学生课堂参与度的一个最直接的标准自然也备受重视。学校为了积极贯彻新的教学观采取各种方法激发学生参与课堂的积极性,营造活跃的课堂气氛,但在这过程中,有不少学校偏离了教学目标而片面追求热闹的课堂气氛,使课堂教学效率低下,因而也就出现了本文所谓的“伪活跃”现象。本文主要结合具体的英语课堂介绍 “伪活跃”现象的特征,探讨出现这种现象的原因,以及如何避免这种现象。
1. Introduction 1
2. Definition&Features of “Pseudo-Activeness” 2
3. Study on “Pseudo-Activeness” and “True-Activeness” in Middle School English Classes.....4
3.1. Methodology.4
3.1.1. Object of Observation..4
3.1.2. Purposes of Observation..4
3.1.3. Observing Tools4
3.2. Result Analysis..5
3.2.1. Pseudo-Activeness...5
3.2.2. True-Activeness9
4. Conclusion........12
4.1. Causes Bringing About "Pseudo-Activeness"..12
4.1.1. Distractions..12
4.1.2. Inappropriate Tasks or Arrangement of Time..12
4.1.3. Making Void Vows or Slogans.12
4.1.4. Incentive Systems....12
4.2. Suggestions on How to Avoid "Pseudo-Activeness"....12
5. Bibliography. ..14
1. Introduction
The benefits of participation have been researched quite extensively over the past years. That active classroom participation plays an important role in the success of education and students’ personal development in the future seems to have been beyond doubt. But it seems that some educators are so obsessed with creating an active classroom atmosphere that they fail to catch the essence of the classroom participation which should impel teaching and learning and should be the natural manifestation of high educational quality (teaching and learning efficiency). Based on such misunderstanding of classroom participation, “pseudo-activeness” came into being.