And later, Bao Yin used Delabastita's pun translation theory to analyze the pun translation strategies in the Chinese and English subtitles of The Big Bang Theory(包颖,2012).1.2 Purpose and significance of the studyThis thesis aims at, if possible, providing approaches to explore applications of Delabastita's translationtheories in the practice of Zhang Xiaolu's and Yuan Ren Chao's pun translation and their translationappreciation, which may be practical and effective in future pun translation. It studies on Alice’ s Adventures inWonderland with reference to two Chinese versions, namely Zhang Xiaolu's version (1998) and Yuan RenChao's version (1922), and analyzes them under Delabastita's theoretical frame, showing how puns aretranslated by two Chinese scholars.The following discussion will center on these questions: the proper translation of puns in literary worksunder the guidance of Delabastita's translation theory; the commonalities and discrepancies between Yuan RenChao' and Zhang Xiaolu's translated versions; the possible reasons of their commonalities and discrepancies;and the last, the use of Delabastita's theory to understand and rethink two translators' ideologies and strategies.These two translations apply and reflect their translators' minds and skills. This thesis contributes to provethe practice of two branches of pun translation for the sake of arousing the interest and attention of theresearchers as well as analyzing the examples in Yuan Ren Chao's and Zhang Xiaolu's versions, so as to showthe practicability and effectiveness of Delabastita's theory on the study of pun translation.1.3 Research methodology and data collectionThis thesis proposes to conduct a comparative case study of two Chinese versions of Alice's Adventures inWonderland (Carroll, 1865), within the theoretical framework of Dirk Delabastita's translation theory. The datain this study are searched and collected from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and two Chinese versionswhich are published in separate periods.1The main methodology of this thesis is textual comparison and theoretical analysis. The initial step ofpreparing this thesis is to study the documents about Delabastita's pun translation theory and read LewisCarroll's story, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Zhang Xiaolu's and Yuan Ren Chao's Chinese versions.The second step is to find out as many puns as possible in Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and lookat how translators deal with them. The author of this thesis found out 34 puns in texts and just analyzed fourtypical and rarely mentioned puns to compare different techniques the translators applied and the function andeffects of their versions. The third step is to figure out the commonalities and discrepancies of these twoversions, and then looking for possible reasons by probing into two translators' translation ideologies. The finalstep is to use Delabastita's theory to value these two translators' translation concepts. 2. Literature ReviewThe current researching status is the basis of the thesis. In this Chapter, the definition and classification ofpun, previous researches on the translation of puns and Delabastita's theory of pun translation will be discussedrespectively. In the following text, source text, target text, source language and target language would beabbreviated into ST, TT, SL and TL simply.2.1 The definition and classification of punThe word of pun is described as being of "unascertained origin" by the Oxford English Dictionary,according to the etymological note, which means the history of words. Then, the dictionary states that the word"might originally be an abbreviation of the Italian puntiglio; and that pundigrion might perhaps be a perversion,illiterate or humorous, of puntiglio. This appears not impossible, but nothing has been found in the earlyhistory of pun, or in the English uses of punctilio, to confirm the conjecture."2Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English mentions that a pun refers to "a play on words - anamusing uses of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or words with the same sound but differentmeanings."3According to The Oxford English Dictionary, pun is defined as "the use of word in such a way as tosuggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearlythe same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect; a play on words".4From the above definitions, we could find that, a pun is a figure of speech which conveys two or moremeanings, by using similar-sounding or spelling of words, to reach euphemistic or witty rhetorical effects. Thatis to say, at first, a pun usually exploits two or more meanings, on its surface meaning and the other is impliedmeaning. Readers are easy to get the surface meaning but as for the implied meaning, they need more efforts tounderstand it. Secondly, the use of a pun is to obtain a certain language effects, such as humor, irony, tragedyand so on since it is one of rhetorical devices. For the authors, the application of a pun can stir up readers'attention and deliver a certain amusement or other impacts to them. For the readers, they would gain a greatpleasure in the progress of interpreting and supposing the pun.
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