


    Abstract In recent years, more and more new teaching methods have appeared in China. The recitation strategy of model essay is more and more valued as one of the new teaching methods. The teaching method improves the quality of English writing teaching in middle school in a large extent. This paper firstly points out the present situation and problems of English writing teaching in middle school. Then the definition and features of recitation strategy of model essay are put forward to discuss the relationship between recitation strategy and English writing teaching. Next applications of recitation strategy in English writing teaching in middle school are deeply analyzed. Based on this analysis, the conclusion that the recitation strategy of model essay plays a huge role in real environment of English writing teaching in middle school is drawn. This paper improves the English writing teaching in middle school, and it is also helpful for improving the quality of English writing teaching.

    Key Words: recitation strategy of model essay; English in middle school; writing teaching 


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. The Present Situation and Problems of English Writing Teaching in Middle School 2

    2.1 Ignoring the Guidance before Writing 3

    2.2 Following the Rule of Chinese Thinking Mode 4

    2.3 Lacking the Accumulation of Writing Material 4

    III. The Recitation Strategy and English Writing Teaching 5

    3.1 The Definition of Recitation Strategy 5

    3.2 The Features of Recitation Strategy 7

    3.3 The Relationship Between Recitation Strategy and English Writing Teaching 8

    IV. Applying of the Recitation Strategy of Model Essay to English Writing Teaching 9

    4.1 Enlarging Vocabulary by Reciting Model Essay 9

    4.2 Cultivating the English Thinking Mode 10

    4.3 Learning the Consistency of Sentences 11

    V. Conclusion 12

    Bibliography 14

    Acknowledgements 15

    On the Application of the Recitation Strategy of Model Essay in English Writing Teaching in Middle School

    I. Introduction

    As we all know, it is essential for us to input a large amount of effective information. It seems difficult to use language properly and express freely for English learners especially for these English beginners who study English mainly within classrooms in middle school. This view is compelling and many people follow the principle unswervingly. Meanwhile, it could also apply to the English writing teaching. Recitation is a traditional teaching method which is widely used by learners of different levels and studies by many researchers in China. For middle school students, writing is a weak point in students’ English learning process, which is the most difficult one that students refuse to do by themselves in learning process. 

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