
    摘要:音乐可以丰富幼儿的感情世界。幼儿从小接触音乐,既提升他们的智力稳定发育,又对他们的身心发展起到了引导的作用。在音乐熏陶长大的孩子,感受外界的能力格外强。音乐中高低快慢的旋律营造出的美妙情境,不仅丰富了幼儿的听觉世界,也让幼儿接触到旋律中不同的音乐元素,进而提升幼儿各方面能力的学习。    63113



    Abstract:Music can enrich the emotional world of children. The child contact music since childhood, not only promotes their intelligence stable development, but also has the guide to their physical and mental development. In the influence of the music, the child, the ability to feel the outside world is particularly strong. Music in the high and low speed melodies to create a wonderful situation, not only enrich the children's hearing world, also let the baby touch to the melody in the different elements of the music, and can enhance the ability of young children in the aspects of learning.

    Hugo said: music, text, mathematics is the 3 key to open human intelligence ". At present, there are many studies have confirmed that, music learning activities on preschool children in listening, activity, memory and mathematical ability, there is a great help, so experts generally believe that childhood exposure to music, not only to enhance understanding, mathematical ability, the speed of language learning can more quickly. Therefore, make notes to become a member of the family, let the children in music Lang Lang and songs, dancing and dancing and, ultimately, to stimulate the potential of more.

    Keywords: children; stimulating potential; music education

    1  前 言 …1

    2  我国幼儿音乐教育的不足  1

    2.1  重视课堂教学,忽略课外音乐活动1

    2.2 注重应试教育,教育观陈旧…1

    2.3 注重技能教育,忽视兴趣培养2

    2.4  强调教师主导,忽略孩子参与2

    3  幼儿音乐教育对其成长的重要性2

    3.1  幼儿音乐教育可以增强孩子语言能力…2

    3.2  幼儿音乐教育可以提高孩子记忆力和注意力3

    3.3  幼儿音乐教育可以强化孩子德育的发展4

    3.4  幼儿音乐教育可以丰富情感…4

    4  如何更好的开展幼儿音乐教育的三点建议5

    4.1  转变家长对幼儿音乐教育的观念…5

    4.2  转变教师开展幼儿课堂教育的形式5

    4.3  培养幼儿浓厚音乐的兴趣6

    结论 …7

    参考文献 …8

    致谢 …9

    1 前言



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