    关键词 贪吃蛇 51单片机 游戏
    Title  Greedy Snake Game Based on 51 MCU design
    With the development of science and technology, modern life rhythm, people’s pressure also will increase. Design of a simple operation, the vivid novel strong, easy to carry, entertaining the small game.To accommodate such actual needs, the design of the Snake game with 51 series basis. In addition to the classic game Snake game features, this design also adds to pause the game (to meet the modern fragmented leisure time), homing beans (the game more interesting) and other functions.
    The idea is to build a whole game like this: Use 51 series as the hardware platform, with a dot matrix LED display, keyboard, built up a body of a game with portability.
    In this paper,I select the appropriate hardware facilities with characteristics by the rules of the game  and the console’s actual hardware requirements. The paper includes the construction of the main game ideas, detailed procedures for specific hardware options to consider, introduce each control module, the main module software such as flowcharts and explain some of the key code.
    Keywords  Greedy Snake  51MCU  Game
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 单片机的发展状况    1
    1.3 LCD发展状况    3
    1.4 LED点阵发展现状    4
    1.5 课题分析    4
    2 系统主要芯片介绍    6
    2.1 STC89C52芯片    6
    3 系统总体设计    7
    3.1 软件开发环境    7
    3.1.1 软件设计工具    7
    3.2硬件开发环境    8
    3.3 系统软硬件设计    11
    4 系统硬件设计    13
    4.1 键盘扫描的电路设计    13
    4.2  LCD 1602显示模块    14
    4.3 16X16LED点阵显示屏    15
    5 系统软件设计    17
    5.1 主程序设计    17
    5.2 按键模块详细设计与实现    19
    5.3  l602显示模块    21
    5.4 蛇体运动控制模块详细设计与实现    24
    6  系统调试    29
    6.1 硬件连接    29
    6.2 硬件调试    30
    6.3 程序的下载    30
    6.4 系统的运行    31
    结论    32
    致谢    33
    参考文献    34
    1 绪论
    1.1 研究背景与意义
    现代人的时间安排已经随着社会的不断发展和几十年甚至是十年前产生了巨大的变化,究其原因,大量数据表明在于互联网和智能手机的应用让人们几乎随时随地都处于在线的状态下,发微信,刷微博,慢慢占据了很多现代人的生活,时间管理呈现一种碎片化的趋势。基于这种碎片化的时间管理,贪吃蛇这个小游戏却枯木逢春,再度流行起来,简单易上手,合理的心理机制,如同其名字一样,贪吃蛇,Greedy Snake,让人在有限的时间内对这个小游戏爱不释手,欲罢不能。
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