    摘要在全球能源日趋紧张和环境污染日益严重的情况下,风力发电凭借其清洁,可再生等优点,受到越来越多的关注。本课题的目的就在于补偿风力机模拟器的转动惯量,更好地模拟实际的风力机组工作状态,以便在不具有自然风场环境的实验里研究风力发电技术。 34010
    关键词  风力机模拟器 大转动惯量 转矩补偿 低通滤波器 结构-控制一体化设计
    Title  An Integrated Structure/Control Design Method for Wind Turbine Simulator                                                          
    With the growing of global energy crisis and concerns about the environment, wind power generation achieves more and more attention due to its cleanliness, reproduction and other advantages. For further researching into wind energy conversion technique, wind turbine simulator (WTS) is of great help because it can reproduce the dynamic characteristic of field wind turbine in the lab conveniently. The paper aims at simulating the operation principle of field wind turbines by compensating the inertia of wind turbine simulator.
    Firstly, the static and dynamic characteristics of the output torque of wind turbines under the condition of natural wind is analyzed, And the corresponding mathematical model of wind turbines is established in MATLAB/Simulink. Considering the effect of large moment inertia of field wind turbines, dynamic torque compensation strategy based on acceleration feedback is utilized to emulate the dynamic performance of wind turbines. Then, the influence of the low pass filter (LPF) in the compensation loop on the inertia compensation strategy is discussed based on numerical simulations. On this basis, the coupling relationship between the control parameter( time constant of the LPF) and the structure parameter( moment inertia of the simulator) is analyzed carefully. Finally, this paper briefly discusses the design method of the wind turbine simulator considering both structural parameters and control design.
    Keywords  wind turbine simulator    large inertia   torque compensation
              low pass filter    an integrated structure/control design method
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  风力发电简介    1
    1.2  模拟器的研究意义    2
    1.3  国内外研究现状    2
    1.4  主要内容与章节安排    4
    2    风轮机模拟系统的数学模型    5
    2.1  风力机的静态特性    5
    2.2  风力机的动态特性    7
    2.3  动态转矩补偿    9
    2.4  低通滤波器的分析    10
    2.5  负载模块    13
    2.6  本章小结    13
    3  仿真结果和分析    14
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