    关键词: 太阳能;半导体;制冷;温度传感器
    Solar power and semiconductor refrigerating box design
    Abstract: This topic is mainly completed by a solar power semiconductor refrigeration box design and making, it can be in the wild or other outdoor environment needed for a small amount of medicine or food etc stored objects temporarily frozen at low temperature. Design object is mainly composed of three parts -- solar PV panels, semiconductor refrigeration and storage battery. Connecting part is a solar power controller, temperature control part is SCM. Is environmental protection and energy saving, the advantages of solar semiconductor refrigeration, not only does not rely on any refrigerant, and does not produce noise, advantage, its application also has a very broad prospects. This topic will combine solar and semiconductor refrigeration, design a portable solar power semiconductor refrigerating cabinet have the advantage of the two. I meet many difficulties during the design, The selection of temperature sensors, such as refrigeration heat and cooling method, the structure of the heat and cold, the body structure design, selection of insulation materials, the selection of solar photovoltaic panels and assembly, the power supply connection problems, etc. With the help of the teacher, by querying the data and my own DIY, will eventually solve every problem.
    Key Words: Solar energy; Semiconductor; Refrigeration; The temperature sensor

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  太阳能光伏发电    1
    1.1.1  太阳能发电的优点和缺点    1
    1.1.2  太阳能发电的发展    1
    1.2  半导体制冷    4
    1.2.1  半导体制冷的优点和重要性    4
    1.2.2  半导体制冷的发展状况    4
    1.3  单片机的发展    5
    1.3.1  单片机的发展    5
    1.3.2  单片机的应用    6
    1.3.3  单片机在目前的发展形势下,表现出几大趋势:    7
    1.4  本文研究的主要内容    7
    2  太阳能光伏发电    8
    2.1  太阳能光伏发电的原理    8
    2.2  太阳能光伏电池板    9
    2.2.1  太阳能光伏电池的简介    9
    2.2.2太阳能光伏电池板的选择    10
    2.3  太阳能光伏发电控制器    10
    2.3.1  控制器的主要参数    11
    2.3.2  控制器原理图    12
    2.3蓄电池    12
    2.5本章小结    12
    3  半导体制冷    14
    3.1  半导体制冷原理    14
    3.2  半导体制冷片的选择    15
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