    毕业论文关键词: 压力传感器 无线通信  LabVIEW
    Abstract Car as people travel tools most widely used safety factor of its tires more and more people pay attention, this is good or bad because the tires will directly affect the driver's safety and comfort. This paper presents a tire pressure sensor solutions based on wireless communication. The system consists of a host and as from institutions, host the main achievement of the collected data is processed, the data transmitted to the host computer for display. Lower computer system includes a sensor data detection portion and a data processing unit. Data collection mainly MPXH6400 pressure sensors, wireless communication, with a long life time of lithium battery for power supply from machine parts. The data processing unit according to the CPU's own internal digital to analog conversion, the collected tire voltage analog parameters can be transferred into digital data processing, and this amount of data sent to the host unit through the wireless unit. With the software development environment serial debugging assistant, complete tire pressure measurement, nRF905 wireless communication programming. By working in the 2.4Ghz band nRF905 RF module for data transmission, to avoid the on-site application wiring difficult.
    Key word:  tire pressure sensors  serial communication  LabVIEW
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1  概述    1
        1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
            1.2  压力传感器技术的现状    1
    1.3  无线通信技术的现状与发展    2
    1.4  论文组织结构    2
    2  系统硬件设计    3
    2.1  系统硬件电路设计框图    3
    2.2  最小系统电路    4
    2.3  无线通信模块    6
    2.4  传感器模块    7
    2.5  GSM模块    8
    2.6  报警模块    10
    2.7  电源电路设计    11
    2.8  液晶电路    12
    2.9  串口通信    13
    2.10  本章小结    15
    3  测量系统软件序设计    16
    3.1  系统程序框图    16
    3.2  系统初始化程序    16
    3.3  LCD12864液晶显示程序    17
    3.4  nRF905无线模块驱动程序分析    19
    3.5  GSM短信发送程序    20
    3.6  SYN6288语音程序    22
    3.7  压强采集程序    22
    3.8  AD中断程序    23
    3.9  LabVIEW交互界面程序设计    24
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