    毕业论文关键词:智能家居  ZigBee  物联网  CC2530
     Abstract Into the 21st century, human society step toward the era of IOT from the Internet era, networking technology is more and more radiation to the field.With the development of economy, science and technology, people's quality of life have higher requirements.One product of the two is growing concern in the Smart Home.Compared with the traditional home, Smart Home has distinct advantages.On the one hand to provide a safe and comfortable living space, on the other hand can effectively manage the affairs of the family schedule.
    Intelligent home control system designed based IOT technology.On the basis of the relevant wireless communications technology and wireless sensor network technology research, the final proposed design scheme based on ZigBee wireless communication technology.In CC2530 wireless microcontroller hardware unit design data acquisition hardware communication technology to build a wireless sensor network.Use Integrated Laboratory CVT-WSN platform software as PC-host computer to achieve the monitoring of environmental parameters,and then use CTV-IOT-V networking Integrated Laboratory Systems to simulate some funcations test.
    Key word:  Home Smart  ZigBee  IOT  CC2530
    目 录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1绪论    1
    1.1课题研究背景    1
    1.2课题研究的目的及意义    1
    1.3智能家居的发展与现状    2
    1.3.1我国智能家居的发展    2
    1.3.2国外智能家居的发展    3
    1.4智能家居的发展机遇    4
    1.5课题主要完成的任务    4
    1.6论文结构安排    5
    2 相关网络技术概述    6
    2.1组网方案选择    6
    2.2 ZigBee协议栈架构    8
    2.2.1 ZigBee物理层    9
    2.2.2 ZigBee 数据链路层    10
    2.2.3 ZigBee网络层    11
    2.2.4 ZigBee应用层    12
    2.3 ZigBee网络拓扑选择    13
    2.4本章小结    14
    3 系统总体设计    16
    3.1 监控系统总体结构    17
    3.1.1 终端节点    17
    3.1.2 协调器    17
    3.2 本章小结    18
    4系统硬件电路设计    19
    4.1 数据处理及传输模块电路设计    19
    4.2 串口通信电路设计    22
    4.3 数据采集电路设计    23
    4.3.1温湿度采集模块    23
    4.3.2烟雾传感器模块    24
    4.3.3自动开关窗模块    26
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