    毕业论文 关键词:  多功能遥控器   DGUS屏   HS0038红外收发装置  
    Modern life are developing very fast. People have very high demand on the comfort of the life. Every family have many kinds of household appliances, such as TV, washing machines, microwave ovens, air conditioning and so on. Every household appliances are controlled by remote control. It has entity remote control used by your hand, such as TV, air conditioning and so on. Meanwhile some remote control are designed on household appliances, such as microwave ovens. Every kind of remote control appear in people’s life. So, to design a multi-function remote control used to control all kinds of appliances is needing. It can increase the comfort of life.
    This article introduces the mode of controlling household appliances. Nowadays many appliances are controlled by infrared ray. The method is using IR transmitter to launch different waveforms of infrared ray. When infrared receiving end receives infrared ray, it can distinguish the sign of the infrared ray to control the appliances. It’s a very convenient kind to control.
    Otherwise, this article controlled by DGUS Touch screen. The screen are designed by PC. It has flexible interface design. Meanwhile it has high quality of showing and beautiful screen. However, there is problem on the communication between DGUS and Micro controllers. It’s communication protocol.
    Finally, the core of this article is controlled by Micro controllers. Micro controllers have the function of distinguishing the function of the push button designed on Micro controllers. Meanwhile, controlled device have Micro controllers to receive infrared ray. Infrared Transceiver Signal Module is finished by HS0038. It can carry out very easy.
    This article is about multi-function remote control, it’s controlled by infrared ray. It’s used in family, we do not consider the issue of interference. Finally, the design is demonstrated.
    Key word:  multi-function remote control   DGUS   HS0038
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
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