
    摘  要:近几年来,在国内一些大、中型煤矿中,带式输送机已在全国采用了先进的自动控制技术和监测方法。本论文具体介绍了井下带式输送机自动控制系统硬件、软件设计。本论文最初从带式输送机的发展现状,专注于各类输送机的监控和保护及技术创新等要领,阐述了监控系统和各种保护的联系及硬件设计的思路,构建出整个系统的结构,并且分别介绍了系统各个硬件模块的功能。论文阐述了带式输送机的防跑偏保护,防滑保护,防撕裂保护,烟温报警灭火系统装置,堆煤保护,断带保护,逆止保护,沿线保护,飞带保护。论文给出了自动张紧装置,皮带跑偏及改进措施的设计。采用PLC控制方法实现了对两台电动机对井下带式输送机自动控制系统,提高了系统的安全性。56953


    ABSTRACT:In recent years, some large and medium-sized mines, belt conveyors in the country has adopted advanced automatic control technology and monitoring methods. This paper specifically describes the underground conveyor automatic control system hardware and software design. This paper was originally from the current development conveyor, focusing on monitoring and protection and technological innovation essentials of various types of conveyors, described the monitoring system and a variety of protected contact and hardware design ideas, to build the entire structure of the system and introduced the various functions of the system hardware modules. Paper describes the anti-deviation protection, anti-slip protection belt conveyor, ripstop protection, smoke temperature alarm fire extinguishing system unit, coal heap protection, belt protection, backstop protection, protection along fly zone protection. Paper gives a automatic tensioning device, belt deviation and improve the design of measures. PLC control methods to achieve the two electric motors on the underground conveyor for automatic control system to improve the security of the system.

    Key words: belt conveyor, control systems, protection systems, plc programmable controller,  beltprotection

    目    录

    1 绪论 2

    1.1带式输送机的控制技术 5

    1.2带式输送机的控制 6

    1.3基于PROFIBUS的通信网络的组建 11

    2带式输送机的结构及工作原理 2

    2.1带式输送机的结构。 2

    2.2带式输送机的工作原理 2

    2.3带式输送机的保护装置 2

    2.4综合保护与集中控制装置 17

    3 基于PLC的带式输送机自动控制系统设计 17

    3.1 S7-300 PLC 17

    3.2带式输送机自动控制系统硬件流程 19

    3.3带式输送机自动控制系统软件流程 21

    3.4皮带监视和控制系统的硬件组成 22

    3.5可伸缩带式输送机机尾自移装置和液压调偏装置 25

    3.6自动张紧装置的设计 26

    4 总结 29

    参考文献 30

    致谢 30

    1 绪论

    1.1 带式输送机的控制技术


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